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Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the Section A 学习目标1、掌握是否介意和应答的表达方法。2、学会用Would you mind (not) doing sth?请求别人做某事或不做某事。【目标语言】Would you mind doing sth.?Would / Could / Will you please do sth?请你做好吗?/ 你做好吗?Would you mind not doing sth?Would / Could / Will you please not do sth.? 请你不要做好吗? 【疑难点拨】 同义句改写Please help your younger brother learn to swim .1) Would you mind _?2) Could you please _?3) You have to _4) You must _ 解题思路would you mind 是提建议的交际用语,后接动词_形式,除此之外“could” 后面跟动词_。“have to”后面跟动词_。情态动词“can ,may ,must”后跟动词_。 小试身手Would you mind _the new words for me ? A copy B copying C to copy D copied【自主先学,巩固展示】I、 翻译1.turn on / turn off / turn up / turn down _2 .mind doing_ 3. clean the yard _4.not at all _ 5. right away / at once / in a minute _6.wash / do the dishes _ 7. wear those old jeans _8.get out of the bathroom_ 9. put on another pair_10.起床_ 11.看起来糟糕 _ 12开会._ 13. 我不会太久。_ 14. help me make dinner _ 15. help me with my homework _16. 照顾你的小堂弟_ 17.制作广告_18.没问题_、同义句转换1. Would you mind my opening the door? Could you please_ the door?2. Your grandma is ill. Youd better take her to the hospital right away. Your grandma is ill. Youd better take her to the hospital _ _.3. Ill come in a moment. Ill come _ _ _.4. - Thank you very much. - You are welcome. _ _ _. .翻译句子1. Would you mind turning down the music? _2. Would you mind not wearing those old jeans? _3. Im sorry. Ill do it right away. _4. Ok, Ill do them in a minute. _5. Could you please wash the dishes? _6. 你介意关小音乐吗? _7. 你不得不帮我做饭。 _8. 请你帮我做家庭作业好吗? _9. 好,我将立刻起床。 _10.请不要在这儿打棒球,好吗? _【课堂检测 】 I、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. I have to clean the y_ before the breakfast.2. Please turn d_ the radio.3. Ill tell him r_ away.4. I can help you w_ your homework.5. Would you mind o_ the door?6. Could you please w_ your clothes?7. Would you m_ not playing in the street?8.He needs _ _.(一条牛仔裤)9.Dont make noises . They are _ _ _.(在开会)10. Could you help me with my English? _(没问题。) 、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Would you mind _ (turn) down the music?2. Would you mind _ ( not play) basketball here?3. Would you mind _ (get) out of the bathroom?4. Could you please _ (feed) the dog?5. Also, you have to _ (do) your homework.6. Please _ (help) me with the housework.7. What about _ ( go fishing)?8. Lets _ (have a party) tomorrow.9. Could you please _ (clean your room)?10. Why dont you _ (give ) him a pen as the birthday present?11. Why not _ (have) a rest now? 、选择最佳答案填入题前括号内( ) 1. -Would you mind having some juice? -_. A. No, of course not B.Yes ,I would C. No, I would D. Yes, I will( ) 2. -Would you mind _ the music? - of course not A.to listen to B listening to C. to listen to D. listening ( ) 3. -Could you please _ so much noise? A. not making B. dont make C.not to make D. not make( ) 4.-Please wash the dishes ,_ _? A. dont you B. do you C. will you D. wont you( ) 5.What did your sister say to you last night? She asked me _ my father her secret. A. to tell not B.not to tell C. to not tell D. not tell( ) 6. _ your father and mother _ a meeting last week? A. Was; at B. Were; in C. Were; at D.Was; in( ) 7. He looked _ and ill. A. worry B. worried C. worrying D. to worry( ) 8. Can you help me _ my English? A. for B. with C.
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