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【课题】牛津小学英语6B Unit 5 The seasons海安县城东镇韩洋小学 张跃华 226600【教材简解】本课是牛津小学英语六年级下学期(6B)中的Unit 5 The seasons第一课时的教学内容。本课的核心内容是“季节”,所涉及的主要句型有: Which season do you like best? I like Why? Because its I can本课主要学习四会单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter. 三会单词:best, because, weather, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy等,本课内容比较贴近学生的实际生活,语言运用情景较为真实。【目标预设】1、认知目标:通过学习,使学生掌握四会单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter.掌握日常交际用语:Which season do you like best? I like Why? Because its I can能简单介绍纽约四季不同的天气情况。2、能力目标:通过“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生的创新精神和将所学的英语运用于日常交际的能力,提高学生的语言能力和学习能力,让学生得到自我发展和个性发展。3、情意目标:通过创新教学方法,提高学生学习英语的兴趣;结合学习内容,培养学生的表现力,养成学生爱思考的良好习惯。【重点、难点】能掌握四个表示季节的单词,能正确理解语篇,并能正确复述课文,简单介绍纽约四季不同的天气情况。【设计理念】新课程标准指出,小学英语课程应着眼于提高学生的英语学习意识和兴趣,增强学生的英语语言运用能力,因此在这节课的设计上我重在营造宽松的环境,让学生围绕着自己的真实的生活进行语言的交流,把学英语与用英语做事情联系起来,使学生在愉快和自信的情绪中,保持积极的学习态度,在大量的语言实践中形成语感,养成良好的英语学习习惯,提高学生学习英语的欲望。【设计思路】本节课我本着“人本化,任务型” 的教学思想设计教学活动,首先通过自有会话引出四季的教学,接着通过散文诗歌的指导了解四季的活动及气候特点,再通过问题情境的设置Whats the weather like in different seasons in New York? 让学生带着问题去自主学习,让学生理解并掌握纽约四季的气候特点,围绕任务型的模式展开各段落教学, 注重对课文的整体理解和把握的指导。【教学过程】Step1 Warming-up1、Sing a songBINGO. 2、Free talk.T: What day is it today? T: What date is it today?T: So May Day is coming. Do you like May Day?T: Whats your favourite holiday?PPT 呈现句型 My favourite is= I like best.T: So my favourite holiday is May Day means-?I like May Day best.T: What holiday/colour/subject/animal do you like best?【设计意图】唱歌能让学生心情愉悦,迅速进入英语学习状态,再通过师生间自由交谈,巩固前面所学的句型,让学生消除紧张感,调动他们的积极性,以更好的状态投入到下面的学习当中去,为后面的新授作铺垫。Step 2 Pre-reading.1、T: Which month do you like best?T: I like December best, because my birthday is in December. How about you ?PPT 呈现句型I like best, because讲授 becauseT: Just now we talked about our favourite months? So how many months are there in a year?T: How many days are there in a year?T: How many seasons are there in a year?T: Yes. Theyre sping, summer, autumn and winter. PPT 呈现季节图片及相应单词。Ss read the new words after the teacherSay a chant and do some exercisesSwimming, fishing, summer day, skating, sking, winter day;Rowing, climbing , autumn day, jogging, running, every day;Hurray!【设计意图】由谈论最喜欢的月份很自然地引入季节的讨论,再让学生做动作说chant,更好地理解的四季活动,为后面讨论纽约的四季作语言铺垫,学生参与的积极性很高。T:This class lets learn Unit 5 The seasons 板书课题2、 Read and fill in the blanks.T: Today lets talk about seasons. First of all, lets enjoy a rhyme. Read the rhymes by yourselves and then try to complete the rhyme with the 4 words.In , when the leaves start to fall I like to run, jump and kick a ball.In , when theres lots of snowThe cold wind start to blow and blow.I stay at home and wait for And the fine weather its going to bring.I wait for when the sun is hotThen I can play games and swim a lot.3、 Check the answer. (在核对答案的过程中,教师贴好四个季节单词在黑板上。)4、 Ask and answer.T: What does the writer like to do in summer?T: What do you like to do in summer?T: Is it fun?/ Do you enjoy yourself ?T: Sounds great. What can the write do in summer?T: Can you swim?/ Do you like to swim?/ What else can you do in summer?.T: We can swim in summer. What can we do in winter?T: I think we can make snowmen. (PPT 呈现make snowmen图片) Do you like to make snowmen?【设计意图】将本单元的歌谣放在本课时来学习,让学生掌握不同季节的活动,再将课文中的生词,词组分解到该环节进行学习,大大降低学生学习课文时的难度。T: So does my son. He likes winter best, because he can make snowmen with me.(PPT 呈现 Which season do you like best? Why?)T: I like autumn best, because I can go to the farms in the countryside. (PPT 呈现countryside)What does countryside mean? Try to choose.a. a place with lots of buildingsb. The place with some farms and filedsc. A big city【设计意图】在这里,教师没有把countryside的意思直接呈现给学生,而是通过问题,让学生联系上下文去理解、去思考,理解单词的含义,学生始终在自己探索、在习得,他们在扎实的学习过程中体会到了发现的乐趣。T: Now lets look at this picture. (the Statue of Liberty) Wheres it? Is it in the countryside?T: Which city is it in?Step 3 While-reading.1、 Learn the preface.T: New York is a big city. There are many nice buildings. The Statue of liberty, the White House and so on. Do you want to go there one day?S:T: Su Yangs Dad is going to New York next week. What is he going to do there? Read the preface by yourselves and then tell me.T: Can you ask me some questions according to the preface? The more , the better. 【设计意图】根据新课程标准倡导的“任务型”教学途径,六年级学生已经有了一定的语言积累,在此我由学生自己来提问题充分调动了学生求知的欲望,有助于学生把学习的需要转化为学习的动力,把语言知识转化为语用能力。2、 Listen and judge.T: You really did a good job. Now lets listen to their dialogue.3 、Check the answer.T: Which season is mentioned firstly?.S:T: So how many seasons are there in a year ?S: T: Whats the weather like in different seasons? Its hard to answer now, right?Never mind, some words about the weather for you.【设计意图】让学生自主提问,再充分的给予学生思考,表达的机会,不仅培养了学生的英语思维能力,而且促使其听说能力和语言素质得到了较好的发展。4、 Try to read the words about weathers and then circle them in your book.hot cool warm su
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