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Unit 3 My Friends (第二课时) 【学习目标】1.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用句型Hes/Shes.2.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用词组my friend. 3.能明白friend的复数形式是friends.4.能会读、会说、会运用句型This is.5.能听懂、会说、会读、会写以下字母:Hh、Ii、Jj、Kk.学 生 活 动 单教 师 导 学 案 【活动方案】 Activity One Warming up1. Sing a song: Good morning.2. Say a rhymeAre you Mike?Activity Two Presentation and Practice1、Learn and say(1) A: Hello, Im B: Hello, Im A: Goodbye.(2) A: Hello, Im Are you?B: Yes, I am./ No, Im not. Im.A: Goodbye.(3) A: Hes Mike. Hes my friend. B: Hello, Mike. Im C: Hello, (4)A: Shes Yang Ling. Shes my friend. B: Hello, Yang Ling. Im C: Hello,2、 Cartoon time Hes/Shes Hes/Shes my friend. Fill in the blanks. ( He/She ) is .(Tina, Fiona, Helen) Listen to the tape Read and learn Read with the teacher. Read together. Read one by one. Practice This is Hes/Shes my friend.T: This is Sam. Hes my friend. This is Tina. Shes my sister. Read Cartoon time.Listen to the tape.Read after the tape.Read and act Cartoon time.3、Letter time(1) Read the letters: Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk(2) Magic eyes(3) Whats missing?(4) Finding friends.Activity Three Consolidation1、 Read and learnThis is Tina sisterHomework1. Finish the exercises.2. Try to recite Cartoon time.3. Copy the letters five times.Step1. Free talk and lead in3. Sing a song: Good morning.4. Say a rhymeAre you Mike?Step2. Presentation and practice.1. 教师在班上和学生相互问候.(4) T: Hello, Im S: Hello, Im T: Goodbye.(5) T: Hello, Im Are you?S: Yes, I am./ No, Im not. Im.T: Goodbye.师-生 生-生 (3) A: Hes Mike. Hes my friend. B: Hello, Mike. Im C: Hello, (4)A: Shes Yang Ling. Shes my friend. B: Hello, Yang Ling. Im C: Hello, T: Mike is my friend. Yang Ling is my friend, too. They are my friends.(板书)Friendfriendsmy friends2. Cartoon time(1)教师出示Cartoon time中Sam/Bobby 的图片 T: Can you introduce Sam/Bobby to your partners? S: Hes/Shes Hes/Shes my friend. Sam and Bobby are my friends.(2)教师出示Tina的图片 Fill in the blanks. ( He/She ) is .(Tina, Fiona, Helen) 听录音,让学生听听图片中主人公的名字. 新授This isT: 教师指着Tina的照片说This is Tina.(板书) Read with the teacher. Read together. Read one by one. Practice: This is Hes/Shes my friend.T: This is Sam. Hes my friend. This is Tina. Shes my sister.(板书) Follow the teacher. Read together. Read one by one. Read Cartoon time.Listen to the tape.Read after the tape.Read and act Cartoon time.3. Letter time(5) Read the letters: Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk(6) Magic eyes(7) Whats missing?(8) Finding friends.Step3. Summary本课重点:This is Tina sisterStep4. Homework4. Finish the exercises.5. Try to recite Cartoon time.6. Copy the letters five times.板书设计: Unit 3 My Friends Hes/ Shes my friend. This is my sister. Tina教学反思:1
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