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三年级英语 (总分100分 考试时间:40分钟)亲爱的同学们, 三年级的上学期就要结束了,你一定学了不少知识。下面请你一展身手, 拿出你的最佳水平, 可要细心噢! 题号听力部分(70分)笔试部分(30分)总分一二三四 五 一 二 三得分 听力部分(70分)一、听录音,圈出与所听内容相符的图片。(听两遍)(16分)b.b.a.a.12b.b.a.a.34a.a.b.b.5678a.a.b.b.二、听录音,给下列各图标上序号。(听三遍)((16分)abcdefgh三、听录音,判断录音内容与图片是否相符。相符的画“ “ ”,不相符的画“ ”。(听三遍)(16分)12345678四、听录音,涂颜色。(听三遍)(12分)1 23 45 6五、听录音,选择正确的应答句。(听三遍)(10分)()1. A.Nice to meet you.B.Good afternoon. ()2. A.Fine, thank you.B.Im Liu Tao.()3. A.Yes, please.B.Great, but how? ()4. A.How nice!B.Its blue. ()5. A. All right.B.Not so good.笔试部分(30分)一、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(12分) 1. Cc 2. Oo 3. Ff 4. Xx 5. Ii 6. Tt 二、选择填空,将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号里。(12分)( ) 1. Liu Tao _ a boy. I _ a girl. A. am, isB. is, is C. is, am( ) 2. Whats _ name ? A. your B. youre C. you( ) 3. Look, _ his chair. A. at B. ThatsC. thats( ) 4. _ the tap, please.A. Turn on B. turn off C. Close( ) 5. Yao Ming is _ .A. bit B.long C. tall ( ) 6. What can you see? I can see _. A. a apple B. an apple C. an apples( ) 7. Lets go _ Nanjing.A. to theB. toC. the( ) 8. A glass _orange juice?A.offB. of C.on( ) 9. Look, this woman is my _ .A. fatherB. motherC. brother ( ) 10. Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, _. A.toB. tooC. two ( ) 11. Im _ China.A. aB. comeC. from ( ) 12. My hair _ . A. are shortB. is short C. is small三、排列错乱的句子。(6分)A. Great! But how?B.An ice cream, David?C. Lets go to the supermarker, David.D. A glass of milk, please.E. Yes, thank you. Liu Tao, And you?F. By bike.B同学们,做完了试卷,你发现自己进步了吧,不过,要想取得更好的成绩,还要认真检查,要细心哦,祝你成功!
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