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HG2.020回转圆筒干燥机结构设计作 者 姓 名:指 导 教 师:老师单 位 名 称:机械工程与自动化学院专 业 名 称:机械工程及自动化东 北 大 学2008年6月HG2.0 20 rotating cylinder dryer structural designSupervisor: Liu YangThe college of Mechanical Engineering and AutomationNortheastern UniversityJune 2008毕业设计(论文)任务书毕业设计(论文)题目: HG2.020回转圆筒干燥机结构设计设计(论文)的基本内容:根据题目进行调研并参观相似实物及照片,主要进行结构设计, 完成HG2.020回转圆筒干燥机成套图纸的结构设计,并通过计算齿轮传动、轴承寿命计算等,完成设计计算书。毕业设计(论文)专题部分:题目:高粘性物料抄板结构形式探讨设计或论文专题的基本内容:根据现有的结构,探讨干燥高粘性污泥时,筒体内抄板结构形式。学生接受毕业设计(论文)题目日期第1周指导教师签字:2008年3月4日摘 要干燥技术的应用,在我国具有十分悠久的历史。闻名于世的造纸技术,就显示了干燥技术的应用。解放以后,干燥技术的应用发展很快,20世纪50年代初期,分散悬浮态技术(如气流干燥器等)开始工业应用,干燥技术的研究工作也普遍开展,高效的干燥器也在生产应用。随着工业现代化的进展,化学工业的机械化、大型化和自动化水平的提高,作为化工单元操作设备之一的干燥器,也必将迅速的发展。在我国,虽然干燥设备的应用已有几十年的历史,但干燥设备的制造高峰是近二十年来的事。在这二十多年中,经过广大工程技术人员的努力,开发或仿制一批干燥设备,大多数工业化机型我国都可以加工,基本扭转了干燥设备靠进口的局面。培养了众多的干燥技术人员,也涌现出一大批干燥设备制造企业。干燥是将物料去除水分或其他挥发成分的操作,涉及面很广。随着生产的发展,对干燥技术干燥设备的需求有了更高的要求。由于原有工业基础较薄弱,产量小,大多数用电烘箱蒸汽烘箱等干燥物料。为适应工农业生产的需要,开展了对喷雾气流流化等干燥装置的开发以及对农产品食品、药品、生物制品等的干燥过程及装置的研究开发工作。回转圆筒干燥机也因此而诞生。回转圆筒干燥机是最古老的干燥设备之一,设备构造简单,而且使用方便。目前仍被广泛应用于化工、建材和冶金等领域。本文将通过对其结构的设计进一步介绍回转圆筒干燥机的筒体的结构组成,筒体的载荷计算及其弯矩与应力计算等,并详细说明回转圆筒干燥机的滚圈设计、支撑结构设计、传动参数的选择和齿轮的计算。它的工作原理是湿物料由皮带运输机或斗式提升机送到料斗,由进料口加入。转筒干燥器主体是略带倾斜并能回转的圆筒体。物料进入圆筒内部时,与通过筒内的热风成顺流接触或逆流或与加热壁面进行有效接触而被干燥,干燥后产品从另一端下部出料。在干燥过程中,物料借助于圆筒的缓慢转动,在重力作用下从高的一端向较低一端移动。筒体内壁上装有顺向抄板,它不断把物料抄起又洒下,使物料的热接触面大大增强,提高了干燥速率并促使物料向前移动。热载体(热空气、烟道气)干燥物料后,通过旋风除尘器收集其夹带的粉尘后排空。本文是根据干燥过程的基本原理,针对其它机型的特点和社会的需求,在已有成功设计实例的基础上,参考以前设计者的经验和结论,进行的设计。在设计中,以HG2.020回转圆筒干燥机为研究对象,分析了它与其它干燥机的不同特点以及存在的问题,由此探讨HG2.020回转圆筒干燥机的结构设计。由于该机型已在工业中有应用,因此本文在设计时引用了其他一些设计老师的实验方法和结论。关键词:干燥机,回转圆筒,结构设计 AbstractDrying technology applications in China has a long history. The world-famous paper, shows the drying technology applications. After the liberation, drying technology applications developed very quickly, and the early 1950s, the state dispersed suspension technology (such as air dryers, etc.) industrial applications, drying technology research work carried out, the dryer is also efficient production and application.With the progress of industrial modernization, the chemical industry mechanization and large-scale and raising the level of automation, as the chemical unit operation equipment, one of the dryer and will also developed rapidly. In China, although the application of drying equipment has been several decades of history, but drying equipment manufacturing is the peak of the last 20 years thing. In the past 20 years, the majority of engineering and technical personnel to develop a number of imitation or drying equipment, the majority of Chinas industrialization model can be processed, the basic reverse the drying equipment imported by the situation. Training a large number of dry technical staff, also emerged a large number of drying equipment manufacturing enterprises.Dry is the material elimination moisture content or other volatility ingredient operation, the affected area is very broad. Along with the production development, had a higher request to the dry technical drying equipments demand. Because the original industry foundation is weak, the output is small, the majority uses electricity the drying oven steam drying oven and so on dry material.In order to meet the needs of industrial and agricultural production, in the spray, and air flow, such as drying, and the development and installation of agricultural products, food, medicines, biological products, such as the drying process and device research and development work. Rotary cylinder dryer also be born.Rotary cylinder dryer is the oldest one of the drying equipment, equipment structure simple and easy to use. Are still being widely used in chemical industry, building materials and metallurgy, and other fields. This paper will further the design of the structure of its rotating cylinder dryer on the structure of the shell, the shell and its load calculation moment and stress calculations, and detailed description of the rotating cylinder dryer rolling circle design, support Structural design, transmission gear and parameters of the calculation. It is the working principle of wet materials from the conveying belt or bucket elevator to the hopper, from the feed I joined. Drum dryer and the principal is slightly tilted to the rotary cylinder body. Materials into the internal cylinder, and through the barrel of hot air down into contact with the heating or counter-current or effective contact with the wall was dry and dried products from the other side of the lower part of the material. In the process of drying, the material through the use of slow rotating cylinder, in the role of gravity from the high-end mobile to the lower end. Extinguishers installed in wall-to-copy, it also continued to cas
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