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Survey/Questionnaire Consent FormCourse name and number: Assignment name and number:I, _(participants name), understand that I am being asked to participate in a survey/questionnaire activity that forms part of _ (students name) required coursework in the above-noted Athabasca University Womens Studies course. It is my understanding that this survey/questionnaire has been designed to gather information about the following subjects or topics:.I have been given some general information about this project and the types of questions I can expect to answer. I understand that the survey/questionnaire will be conducted in person/by phone/by email/on the internet and that it will take approximately _ of my time to complete.I understand that my participation in this project is completely voluntary and that I am free to decline to participate, without consequence, at any time prior to or at any point during the activity. I understand that any information I provide will be kept confidential, used only for the purposes of completing this assignment, and will not be used in any way that can identify me. All survey/questionnaire responses, notes, and records will be kept in a secured environment. The raw data will be offered to me within four months of the completion of the course assignment. If I decline it, it will be destroyed by the researcher. I will also be provided with a copy of the student assignment at my request.I understand that the results of this activity will be used exclusively in the below-named students Athabasca University course assignment and none of the information I provide will be published, in any form, in any journals or conference proceedings.I also understand that there are no risks involved in participating in this activity, beyond those risks experienced in everyday life.I have read the information above. By signing below and returning this form, I am consenting to participate in this survey/questionnaire project as designed by the below named Athabasca University student.Participant name (please print): _Signature:_Date:_Please keep a copy of this consent form for your records. If you have other questions concerning your participation in this project, please contact me at:Student name: Telephone number: email address:or my Athabasca University course instructor/tutor at:Course instructor/tutor name:Telephone number: email address:or the Athabasca University Womens Studies Course Coordinator at:Coordinator name:Telephone number: email address:Thank you for agreeing to participate in my project.
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