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51. Be careful. The train _.A. will come B. come C. comes D. is coming52. Look at those clouds. It _ soon, Im afraid.A. rain B. is raining C. will rain D. wont rain53. The radio says it _ the day after tomorrow.A. snow B. is snowing C. will snow D. snows54. _ he _ some shopping tomorrow afternoon ?A. Willdoes B. is going to do C. isdoing D. Shall do 55. What day _ it _ tomorrow ? Wednesday.A. isbe B. willbe C. shallbe D. doesbe 56. The boy _ sixteen years old next year.A. go to be B. is growing to be C. will be D. is 57. _ you _ me up at six, please ?A. Aregoing to wake B. Arewaking C. Willwake D. Dowake58. If he _ to college, he _ a lot more.A. will gowill learn B. will gois going to learnC. is going is going to learn D. goes will learn 59. When she _ next time ,I _ her everything.A. is going to comeshall tell B. will comeshall tell C. comeswill tell D. comewill tell60. What day _ it _ tomorrow ? It _Tuesday.A. aregoing to be is B. willbewill C. aregoing to beis going D. will bewill be61. She _that she _ her best to help them the next term. Yesterday.A. saywill do B. saidwill do C. said would do D. sayswould do 62. People _ that the Smiths _ for a holiday next week. A. say will go B. said will go C. said would go D. saywould go 63. Nobody _ us that he _ even stricted with usA. tellwill be B. tellswould be C. toldwill be D. toldwould be64. Please _ him that we _ able to help him.A. tellwould be B. tells would beC. toldwill be D. told would be65. Jack _ that they _ surprised to see it this Friday.A. know would be B. knows will beC. knows would be D. knew will be66. I _to know if Mary_ by train yesterday afternoon.A. want would go B. want will goC. wanted would go D. wanted will go67. _ he _ that they _ home tomorrow?A. Does learn would go B. Does learn will goC. Did learn would go D. Did learn will go68. We _ that they _ a sports meet tomorrow.A. learns would have B. have learned would haveC. learns will have D. have learned will have69. _ you _ that he _ his lost son one day ?A. Dothinkwill find B. Dothoughtwould findC. Didthinkwill find D. Didthoughtwould find70. I _ that you _ good care of her that day.A. thoughtwill take B. thoughtwould takeC. think will take B. think would take71. The visitors _ where they _ a short test just now.A. ask would take B. ask will takeC. asked would take D. asked can take72. John _ sure that he _ good at chemistry soon.A. be will be B. is, would be C. was will be D. was would be73. She _ ill so she _ able to go skating that day.A. is wont be B. is wouldnt beC. was won be D. was wouldnt be74. He _ the thief to the police when he met the man again.A. would take B. would takeC. will take D. will take75. Mother _ me a new coat yesterday, I _ it on. It fits me well.A. has madehave tried B. madehave triedC. has madetried D. madetried76. “ He _ to draw horses already .” “ When _he ?”. “ Last year. “A. learnedhas B. learneddid C. has learnedhas D. has learneddid77. Tom _ up into the tree. Look, he _ high up there !A. has got is B. has climbed wasC. got was D. climbed is78. _you _ the text yet ? Yes, we _ it two hours ago. A. Didcopydid B. Have copiedhaveC. Have copied did D. Did copyhad79. “Why she angry? Because he _ at he just now.A. did get, shouted B. hasgotshoutedC. did get has shouted D. hasgothas shouted80. _ you _ the film yet ? Where _ you _ it ?A. Have seen did see B. DidseediewatchC. Haveseen have seen D. Didseehaveseen81. You _ me waiting for two hours. I _ for you since five.A. Keptwaited B. have keptwaitedC. kepthave waited D. have kepthave waited82. Where _John_? To the library. He _ there for an hour.A. has been has gone B. hasgonehas
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