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Subjunctive Mood Ex.1 1.The boy isnt hungry. If he _(be) hungry,he _(eat) the cake.2.Hes been away since last Sunday. If he _(be)here yesterday, he _(attend) the concert.3.I couldnt keep awake after twelve. If I _(work) all night, I _(finish) it in time.4.We didnt know her address. If we _(know) it, we _(send) a note to her.5.Youre late. If you _(come) a few minutes earlier, you _(meet) the famous scientist.6.He was careless. If he _(put) the gold watch in a safe place, he_(not lose) it.7.He isnt here. If he _(be) here, he _(help)his sister learn to use the abacus.8.She _(be) busy now. If she _(be) free, she_(go) with you.9.The manager _(be) in his office now. If he _(be) here, everything _(be) settled in a minute.10.If I _(be) you, I _(not be) disappointed at all.11.She isnt here. If she _(be) here, she _(tell) us what to do.12.If I _(be) a bird, I _(fly) across the Pacific Ocean.13.Too bad we have no ladder. If we _(have) one, we_(be able to) get over the wall.14.They often use Chinese in their English class. If they_(speak) more English, maybe they _(make) more progress.15.Theyre old now, but they act as if they _(be) still forty.16.I wish the air _(be) not so polluted around here!17.The doctor suggested he _(lead) a more active life.18.The policewomen looked after the lost child as if he_(be) her own.19.It rained yesterday. If it _(be) fine yesterday, I_(go) there.20.We forgot her telephone number. If we _(remember) it, we _(give) her a ring.
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