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笔译实务 3级配套训练 第五单元 汉译英(二)英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第六单元 汉译英(二)刘翔刘翔是在雅典奥运会上摘取110米栏桂冠的第一个亚洲人,随后他成为青年人心中的偶像。当刘翔以12.91秒平世界纪录的速度遥遥领先冲过终点线时,许多观众热泪盈眶。刘翔首次参加奥运会就获得了金牌。刘翔眼中滚动着热泪说:“我从没想到我会跑进13秒,这是个奇迹。成为奥运会冠军真美妙。我要感谢教练和朋友的帮助。”早在刘翔还是个小学四年级学生时,他就被上海普陀区少体校选中,练习跳高。1998年,15岁的刘翔遇到了著名教练孙海平,这大大改变了他的生涯。孙海平认为刘翔是一颗新星。在多次访问刘翔父母后,他终于成功劝说他们让刘翔练110米栏。刘翔在2006年7月12日破了110米栏世界纪录,他再次成为媒体报导的中心。他说:“对有些运动员来说,这只是一项工作。对我来说,这是我钟爱的事业。”👉 课文词汇雅典 Athens 110米栏 110-meter hurdles👉 参考译文Liu XiangLiu Xiang was the first Asian to win the mens 110 m hurdles (was the first Asian winner of the 110-meter hurdles) at the Olympic Games in Athens (at the Athens Olympics). After that he became an idol for/to the young people (has been adored by Chinas youth). When Liu Xiang crossed the finish line (broke/breasted the tape) for ahead of the other runners in a world record-equaling time of 12.91 seconds (to tie the 12.91 world record), many spectators burst into tears (many fans wept with joy). It was Lius first Olympics and he won a/the gold medal.“I never thought I could run under 13 seconds (I never dreamed my time could be less than 13 seconds). ” said / exclaimed Liu with tears trembling in his eyes (in tears / tearfully), “This is a wonder / Its fantastic. Being the Olympic champion is an amazing experience (It is an amazing experience to be the Olympic champion). I was to than my coach and my friends for all their help (Im deeply grateful for the help my coach and my friends have given me).”When Liu was a grade four student in a primary school (a grade-four primary school pupil), he was chosen/selected by the Junior Sports School of Putuo District in Shanghai to practice high-jump / as a high-jumper. In 1998 when Liu Xiang, aged 15, met the famous/renowned coach Sun Haiping, his career changed greatly. Sun believed Liu was a rising star (believed in Lius great potential), and after visiting Lius parents several times, finally he persuaded them to let Liu practice the 100m hurdles. Then on July 12th in 2006 Liu Xian broke/shattered/surpassed the 110m hurdles world record. He became the centre of a media circus again. (He was plunged into a whirlpool of media adulation).“For some players,” Liu Xiang said, “Its just a job. For me, its what I love.” (“Unlike some runners for whom sports are just a job, Im doing what I love to do.” Said Liu Xiang.) 1 / 3
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