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牛津英语8B Unit 4 A Charity Show教材分析: 本单元的主要话题是谈论一些慈善机构和慈善活动的组织形式及其目的,这个话题非常贴近学生的生活,因而学生将对此话题非常感兴趣。开篇部分和导入部分以讨论筹钱的不同方式和了解一些慈善机构的名称将师生引入了慈善活动的主题,以向学生介绍不同的慈善机构引出阅读部分慈善义演这个重要的话题。现在义演正日益成为一中普遍的募捐方法,通常由志愿者发起,报酬很少甚至根本没有报酬。而义演收益完全用于某项有价值的活动。这些活动完全是为了帮助一些贫困的人或社会弱势群体。通过学习慈善活动,培养学生的爱心,使学生懂得如何关心别人,帮助别人。词汇部分让学生学习剧院里的场景的布置和相关的名称,并能阐述它们的用途。语法部分继续学习被动语态,而本单元学习一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态。综合技能部分让学生学习有关慈善晚会的内容,并能根据所听到的信息编写慈善晚会的计划,自己也能提出个人的建议和观点,从而陪养学生的听说读写的能力。学习技能部分旨在培养学生能够正确断句和根据句意正确朗读句子。中心部分让学生学习如何设计慈善义演的海报,能通过前面对慈善义演的学习,正确描述慈善义演的活动细节,能够写出很好的慈善义演的演讲稿。检测部分回顾和巩固本单元所学的词汇和词组,复习了一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态。学生学完本单元后,将了解不同许多不同的慈善活动的名称,具体的活动和目的,激发他们的爱心和学习英语的兴趣,提高他们的英语水平。总体目标:让学生了解不同许多不同的慈善活动的名称,具体的活动和目的。激发他们的爱心和学习英语的兴趣,提高他们的英语水平。并通过本单元的学习,掌握一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态。通过本单元的整体学习,使学生在听说读写各个方面的能力得以提高。教学的重难点:重点:1. 学习有关慈善机构的名称和有关慈善机构的具体的活动和目的。 2. 一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态。 3. 学习技能部分旨在培养学生能够正确断句和根据句意正确朗读句子。难点:1. willbe/be going to be +p.p2. can/may/must/should be +p.p3. have/has been +p.p教学分析和教学建议:对于慈善义演,学生是熟悉并感兴趣的,尤其是了解国内国外的慈善义演,更是他们津津乐道的事。在学习本单元时,教师应该诣在教育学生应该具有爱心,在别人遇到困难时应该及时给予帮助。在教一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态时,教师可以先帮助学生复习一般现在时态的被动语态和一般过去将时态的被动语态。通过大量的例句让学生练习,教师在教学过程中可采用Role playing, Practicing, Cooperating, Scanning和Listening for specific information的学习策略,利用教学挂图,制作多媒体课件来开展个人表演、两人一组表演或更多的学生一起分角色表演。在教词汇时,教师可以通过课件和实物帮助学生形象的记忆。通过分角色扮演模仿对话或用关键词来复述课文可以培养学生的听力和口语水平,让学生在听录音或同学叙述时,学会获取主要的信息来帮助自己理解和记忆。在阅读过程中,让学生学会写关键词语,复述短文,模仿编写对话等,以提高学生的阅读水平。在语法教学过程中,让学生自己通过学习总结规律,模仿操练,让学生真正掌握语法知识并能灵活运用。课时安排:开篇部分 1课时导入部分 1课时阅读部分 2课时词汇部分 1课时语法部分 2课时综合技能 1课时中心任务 1课时检测部分 1课时8B Unit 4 Teaching PlanPeriod 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit教学目标:初步认识一些慈善机构的名称并了解其工作;对慈善活动和慈善活动的组织形式有初步的认识;熟悉不同的提建议方式;激发学生对慈善活动以及参与这些活动的兴趣教学内容:介绍一些慈善机构及慈善活动的组织形式;初步感受现在完成时的被动语态教学准备:录音机,多媒体,投影仪教学步骤:Step1 Lead-in1. Show students the picture of a fashion show and ask students: What are they doing?2. Tell them it is a charity show.3. Ask students: Why do they do it? 4. Tell students that we can hold a charity show to raise money for charities.Step 2 Welcome to the unit1. Ask students: Do you know any other ways to raise money? Show students some pictures of fund-raising activities of charities. 2. Teach students new words: advertise; give out leaflets.3. Let students finish Part A on P61 and check the answers by reading the sentences.4. Ask students: We now have different charities. Do you know some of them in China? 5. Show them some pictures of different charities and say something about them.6. Check the answers to Part B on P61. Tell them more charities if possible, such as: ORBIS (helps the blind people in poor countries using a plane) UNICEF (helps children all over the world by providing clean water, food and education)Step 3 Comic strips1. Are you interested in charity shows? So are Eddie and Hobo. Hobo has been chosen to be the host of a charity show. Present students some new words: host(hostess); microphone.2. Listen to their conversation and answer some questions.(1) What is Hobo doing?(2) What is he going to be?(3) What is Eddies wish?(4) What does Hobo think about Eddies wish?3. Let students read the dialogue by themselves (or practice in pairs).4. Do some more exercises after reading and check the answers together: Fill in the blanks Step 4 Homework1. Remember the name of charities and activities.2. Practice the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo.课时练一Comic strip and Welcome to the unit一、根据句意和汉语写出单词1. To my surprise ,I received a (照相机)at my birthday party.2. The (组织者)of the event is a woman.3. What kind of (材料) is the bridge made of ?4. Im one of your greatest (迷)5. The (观众) were excited on the opening night of the play.二、单项选择( )1.We can have more events this money.A . likes; raising B. likes; to raiseC. liking; to raise D. like ; to raise( )2.There will be more A.charity show B. charities showC.charities show D. charities shows( )3. Lets play cards instead of TV.A.watch B. watchingC.to watch D. watched( )4.The cost of living continues to A.rise B. rise up C. raise D. raising( )5. Why not draw up? Let the light onA.seats B. tickets C.curtain D. performers( )6. Youll have to work hard if you want to the exam.A.past B. passed C.pass D. passed( )7. Which charity helps protect rivers and lakes in China?A.Project Green Hope B. Spring Bud ProjectC.Save Chinas Tigers D. Project Hope( )8. Rickey helped the fashion show.A
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