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2022-2024年三年高考1年模拟真题分类汇编专题03 形容词与副词年份卷别形容词(2022-2024) 三年(15考)副词(2022-2024) 三年(8)命题趋势2024新高考I卷functional分析近三年高考真题可知,高考考查近年频率较高的形容词和副词考点主要是:1. 形容词和副词的词形转换;2. 形容词和名词、动词的词形转换; 3. 形容词、副词的词义辨析;形容词及副词的句法功能。全国甲卷largest; enjoyedenjoyable(改错)greatly great(改错)2023新高考I卷tastyrarely新高考II卷confidentBasically全国甲卷different 全国乙卷remarkable;truth-truefinal-finally北京卷exactly浙江卷1月spaciousoriginally2022新高考I卷eventually新高考II卷全国甲卷meaningful全国乙卷largest; shared浙江卷1月roughly浙江卷6月exciting; sighted北京卷worse考点01 形容词的考查1.(2024年新高考I卷语法填空)The latest engineering techniques are applied to create this protective _ (function) structure that is also beautiful. 2.(2024年全国甲卷语法填空)Yellowstone was the _(large) United States national park-2.2 million acres-until Wrangell-Saint Elias in southern Alaska, which became a national monument in 1978, took the honors as a national park in 1980 with 12.3 million acres.3.(2023年新高考I卷语法填空)Xiao long bao(soup dumplings), those amazing constructions of delicate dumpling wrappers, encasing hot, _(taste) soup and sweet, fresh meat, are far and away my favorite Chinese street food.4.(2023年新高考II卷语法填空)Since June 2017, right before the arrival of the two new pandas, Meng Meng and Jiao Qing, I have been helping the panda keepers at the zoo to feel more comfortable and _ (confidence) speaking English. 5.(2023年浙江卷1月语法填空)The hutongs they formed were orderly, lined by (space)homes and walled gardens. 6.(2023年全国甲卷语法填空) _ (difference) from traditional fables, Carsons story ends with an accusation instead of a moral.7.(2023年全国乙卷语法填空)The _ (remark) development of this city, which is consciously designed to protect the past while stepping into the modern world, means there is always something new to discover here, and I could be photographing Beijing for the next 50 years.8.(2023年全国乙卷改错)At least one thing proved truth: the color wouldnt wash out.9.(2022年全国甲卷语法填空)Cao believes this will make the hiking trip even more _ (meaning). 10.(2022年全国甲卷语法填空).and in 2016, he reached the top of Kilimanjaro, Africas _ (high) mountain. 11.(2022年全国乙卷语法填空)“As a main promoter of the International Tea Day, the birthplace of tea and the _ (large) tea-producing country, China has a responsibility to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the tea industry. 12.(2022年全国乙卷语法填空)It can help to build a community with a _(share)future for mankind, he said. 13.(2022年北京卷语法填空) Thats a big problem and it is getting even _ (bad).14.(2022年浙江卷6月语法填空)Blind people recognize shapes with their _40_ (exist) senses, in a way similar to that of _41_ (sight )people, says Ella Striem-Amit, a Harvard scientist. 考点02 副词的考查1.(2024年全国甲卷改错)When we arrived, we went straight to a famous restaurant and ordered dishes, which tasted greatly.2.(2024年全国甲卷改错)The atmosphere there made the meal all the more enjoyed.3.(2023年新高考I卷语法填空)No matter where I buy them, one steamer is _(rare) enough, yet two seems greedy, so I am always leftwanting more next time.4.(2023年新高考II卷语法填空)So, what are they learning? _ (basic), how to describe a pandas life.5.(2023年浙江卷1月语法填空)The term “hutong”, (original)meaning “water well” in Mongolian, appeared first during the Yuan Dynasty. 6.(2023年全国乙卷改错)However, instead of the brownish red hair she had hoped for, she final got purple hair.7.(2023年北京卷语法填空) Im British. Soon after moving to Switzerland, I would thrown a house-warming party and was greatly surprised when all 30 guests showed up (exact) on time. 8.(2022年新高考I卷语法填空)The GPNPs main goal is to improve connectivity between separate populations and homes of giant pandas, and _ (eventual)achieve a desired level of population in the wild. 9.(2022年浙江卷1月语法填空) On a website called No Fly Climate Sci, for example, _(rough) 200 academics - many of them climate scientists have promised to fly as little as possible since the effort started two years ago. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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