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2014实验中学 八年级上 英语导学案(13) M7 Unit 1姓名: 自学篇:【词句速填】一、单词拼写:1. fall(过去式) 2. sit (现在分词) 3. dry (比较级) _ 4. wet (反义词) _ 5. story (复数) 6. 一次 7.两次 _8. 跟随 9.rabbit(复数) 二、重点短语:1. 举行一次茶会 2.跌到 3.在地上 _4到达 _ 5. 跑过 _ 6. 一个叫.的女孩 7. 对.微笑 _ 8. 在花园里 9. 擅长做某事_三、经典背诵: 1. 那是一本什么书?_ the book _?2. 一天,爱丽丝正和她姐姐坐在小河边,这时她看见一只拿着一块手表的白兔子。 One day, Alice _ _with her sister _the river and she saw a white rabbit _ a watch.3. 它为什么在跑?Why _ it _?4.它正坐在一棵树上并对大家微笑。 It _ _ _a tree and _ _ everyone.5.为了看看你是否记得这件事。 _ _ _ you remember the story.课堂篇:【要点探究】一、词汇探究:1. in a/the tree和on a/the tree的区别用法:There are lots of apples _ the apple trees and many farmers are picking them _the tree.归纳:不属于树上长出的东西“在树上”用_.树上本身长的东西如花、叶子、果子“在树上”用_.运用: 1) There is a kite _( in/ on) the tree. 2) Look! There are some bananas _ ( in/ on) the banana tree. 3) The mangoes _ the trees are big and yellow. A. in B. on C. under2.arrive at 到达 同义词为 _ _运用:1) Do you know when the Whites will _ the airport? A. arrive at B. get C. reach to 2)When you _ there, please let me know. A. arrive at B. get C. reach to 二、 句型剖析: Everyone in Britain knows the story.在英国每个人都懂这个故事。 Everyone, someone, no one ,everybody, somebody,nobody等不定代词做主语时谓语一般用_人称单数。 Today, Everyone _(like) English. Everyone _(be) here except Tom.训练篇:【过关测试】一、 单词拼写1. Most leaves begin to f_ in autumn.2. I have been to Shanghai o_ or twice.3. They have nothing _(do) this afternoon.4. Do you know the boy n_ Li Lei?5. It looks _(奇怪)today.6. You can improve your English b_ reading more.7. We will have a tea p_ tonight.8. Remember _(close) the door when you leave.二 单项选择 ( )1.The movie is about a woman _Lin Na. A. call B called C. calls ( ) 2.My father _ at six oclock yesterday morning. A. run B. runs C. is running D. was running ( )3.Im tired after such a long walk. Lets have a rest _ the river.A. in B. on C. by D. over ( )4.Many buildings in Wenchuan _ in the earthquake on May12,2008.A. fallen down B. fell down C. fall in D. fell in ( )5.-Look! Whats _ the tree? -Oh! A cat!A. in B. on C. at D. to ( )6.I know nothing _ it.A. in B. about C. with D. for ( )7.Nobody in our class _ Japanese well. A. speak B. speaking C. speaks D. spoke ( )8.Speak slowly, Mr Wang. I cant follow you. (替换划线部分) A understand B. hear C. listen D. expect三、句型转换 1. The students have a piano lesson everyday.(用at three yesterday 改写句子) The students _ _ a piano lesson at three yesterday. 2. Bob was doing his homework at home.(否定句) Bob _ _ his homework at home. 3. Susan was reading a book when her mother came in .(一般疑问句)_ Susan _ a book when his mother came in? 4. Daming was playing basketball at this time yesterday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Daming _ at this time yesterday?2014实验中学 八年级上 英语导学案(14) M7 Unit 2姓名: 自学篇:【词句速填】一、单词拼写:1. sudden(副词) 2. deep(比较级) 3. think(过去式) 4. when(近义词) 5. 田地 _ 6. carry(三单) _ 7. run(现在分词) 8.have(过去式)_ 9. with(反义词) _ 二、重点短语:1. 偶尔 _ 2. 从.拿出来 3.考虑 _4. land on _ 5.无事可做! 6.look into_7. nothing strange 8. 太.而不能. _ 9.追赶_三、经典背诵: 1. 爱丽丝正和她的姐姐坐在河边。Alice_ _ _ her sister _ the river.2. 那没有什么好奇怪的。There was _ _ about that.3. 爱丽丝无事可做。Alice had _ _ _.4. “没有插图也没有对话的书有什么用?”爱丽丝想。 “And _ is a book _,” thought Alice , “_pictures _conversations?”5. 对她来说,太黑了而看不到任何东西。 It was _dark for her _ _ an
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