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语法专题 非谓语动词to do(动词不定式)、doing(现在分词、动名词)、done过去分词统称为非谓语动词。这三类动词的形式在句中不能单独作谓语,统称非谓语动词。下面进行分类解析。一to do(动词不定式)可以充当谓语以外的任何成分(英语中的句子成分有七种:主、谓、宾、定、状、补、表、同位语)。 不定式所作的成分如下:1. 作主语To learn English is important.不定式短语作主语时, 往往放在谓语之后, 用it作形式主语, 例如:It is right to give up smoking. 戒烟是对的(常考/用句式:It is important/necessary/dangerous to do sth)2.作宾语动词不定式做宾语时, 如果还带有宾语补足语, 往往把不定式放在宾语补足语之后, 而用it作形式宾语. 例如: I find it interesting to work with him. 我感觉和他一起工作很有趣.(常考/用句式:find/feel/think/believe/consider it important/necessary/dangerous to do sth)3. 作定语:动词不定式作定语时,和其所修饰的名词间有三种关系a.动宾关系 如I have homework to do. to do是homework的定语,可以说do homework 因此不定式to do中的do和被修饰词homework之间是动宾关系b.主谓关系 如 I have a daughter to look after me. 我有可以照料我的女儿。to look after me作a daughter的定语,可以说a daughter look after me,因此不定式to look after me中的look after me和被修饰词a daughter之间是主谓关系。C.所属关系:只要不属于上面两种情况的都是所属关系,被修饰的名词常见的有:way/need/time/plan/right/chance/opportunity/movement运动/reason/promise/wish/effort/struggle I found a good way to solve the problem.He thought of a plan to punish the evil governor.It is time to go to work.I have no chance to go abroad.Keep your promise to write to me regularly.There is no need to worry.You have no right to do so.He makes an effort to lift the big stone.(有的可以看成固定词组记忆:a way/chance/ to do sth “做某事的方法、计划 have no/the right/reason to do sth“(没)有权力、理由”有的可以看成固定句式:There is no need to do sth; It is time to do sth)注意:a.作定语的动词不定式如果是不及物动词, 动词不定式后面须加相应的介词, 介词由与其搭配的名词来确定。注意在单选中考察不定式中介词的应用。例如:He is looking for a room to live in. (live in a room)他在找房间住There is nothing to worry about. (worry about nothing) 这没什么好担心的Please give me a knife to cut with. (cut with a knife) 给我把刀子切东西.如不定式所修饰的名词如果是time, place或way, 不定式后面的介词习惯省去.例如:He had no money and no place to live.他没有钱也没有地方住b.当不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的承受者时, 不定式既可以用主动语态也可以用被动语态, 但是其含义有所不同. 比较:Have you anything to send? 你有东西要寄吗?(自己去寄)Have you anything to be send? 你有什么要寄的东西吗?(让别人去寄)判断之后正确翻译:我有东西要打印(打字员和老板该如何正确表达自己的意思呢)。你回家之后想和父母说:我有作业要做,该怎么说?4.作状语动词不定式作状语表示目的, 原因, 结果或条件. 例如:I came here to see you. (目的) 我来这里看你. He hurried to the school (only) to find nobody there. (结果) 他匆忙来到学校结果发现一个人也没有.不定式还可以在作表语用的形容词后作状语. 例如:I am glad to hear it. 听到这个, 我很高兴The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答.We were very excited to hear the news. (原因) 听到这个消息我们很激动.(不定式作形容词的状语时,最常见的结构有:be glad to do sth; be able to do sth; be afraid to do sth; be sure to do sth; be careful not to do sth; be ready to do sth; be anxious to do sth; be eager to do sth; be willing to do sth;be free to do sth; be proud to do sth等等,作为固定词组背熟即可活用。)注意:a. hard/difficult/easy/light/heavy(“难易轻重”后面的不定式用主动表示被动)The bag is heavy to carry.The question is difficult to answer.b. hard/difficult/easy一般不以人主语,而用句式it is hard to do sth; 不过,如果主语是不定式的逻辑宾语时,可以以人做主语,如 I am easy to get along with. 我很好相处。 The man is hard to work with. 这人难共事。c. 不定式作结果状语,很罕见,主要有:(only) to find/discover/see/be told 结果(只是)发现/看到/被告知,是常被考察的,熟记!5. 作补语:也叫作宾语补足语。补语只用在固定短语中(熟记!)a. teach sb to do sth (to do sth 是sb 的补语,用来补充说明sb的情况/动作/状态等),此类词如:love/ask/get/tell/invite/force/oblige/beg/allow/wish/want/would like/hate/prefer/expect/encourage/advise/persuade/forbid/trouble等,都可以用于teach sb to do sth这样的固定短语中。He encouraged us to do a third experiment. 他鼓励我们再做一次试验b. wait for sb to do sth (to do sth是sb 的补语,用来补充说明sb的情况/动作/状态等),此类词组有: call on(号召),send for(派人去请),ask for(请),depend on(依靠),long for(期盼),care for喜欢,愿意You can depend on me to get everything ready for you. 你可以相信/依靠我会把一切安排妥当We are waiting for you to sing a song for us. 我们在等你给我们唱歌c. tell sb wh- to , 疑问词(why除外)+to do sth作宾补,同类词:advise/show/teachHe didnt tell me how to pronounce the word. 他没告诉我怎样读这个单词d. make sb do sth(do sth为宾补), 此不定式必须省略to,同类用法的词:have/let/see/hear/watch/notice/observe/discover/feel/look at/listen to/findThe boss made us work twelve hours a day. 老板强迫我们一天工作12个小时不过:find sb to be 中,be 前的to 不能省略。I found him to be friendly.我发现他很友好e. think sb to be , 同类词:consider/believe/suppose/know/feel/find/understand/imagine/takeI thought him to be reliable. 我认为他值得信赖 (to be reliable 是him的补语)6. 表语:My wish is to become a singer. 我的愿望是成为歌唱家。To see is to believe. 眼见为实What I hate is to wait for someone for too long a time. 我讨厌等人等太久7. 同位语:不定式作同位语,说明前面名词的具体内容:An order only to teach German in our school has come from Berlin.从柏林传来只准我们学校教德语的命令His goal to become a singer is difficult to realize.注意:a. 不定式的特殊结构:疑问词+不定式不定式和疑问词who, which, when, where, how, what等连用, 在句中起名词作用, 可充当主语, 表语, 宾语等. 例如:He didnt know what to say. (宾语)他不知道说什么好.b. 不定式在与why连用时, 只用在why或why not开头的简短疑问句中, 后面紧跟的动词不定式不带to. 构成句式:why do sth?和why not do sth? 例如:Why not have a rest? 为什么不歇会儿?Why laugh at me? 为什么嘲笑我?请注意以下几点:c. but/except 后面接不定式,构成:but /except to do sth “除了”,前do 后不to, 即:在but前如果有实义动词do“做”,则省去but后不定式中的to, 否则,前不do 后to,即:在but前如果没有实义动词do, 则but 后的to 不省。She could do nothing but cry. 她别无办法只好哭了.I have no choice
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