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上海中考信息资源门户网站 sh.zhongkao.com2013年初三英语模拟考试听力文字及参考答案2013-5Part 1A: 1. We should do something to stop air pollution. 2.Its very important for drivers to obey the traffic rules. 3.Sam used to drive to work, but now he rides a bicycle. 4.Fruits and vegetables are good for our health. 5.Paul loves playing tennis with his friends on the weekend. 6.My friends and I became volunteers during the summer holiday. B: 7. W: Whats your favourite color, Peter?M: I like blue. How about you, Jane?W: Well, I like yellow and green, but my favourite color is red.Q: Whats Janes favourite color? 8.M: Well have a party this weekend. Do you think Betty will come?W: Yes. But Sue and Sharon cant. They have to work.Q: Who will come to the party? 9. M: The concert starts at eight. We have to leave now. W: Dont worry. We still have thirty minutes. We can go there on foot. Q: What time is it now? 10. M: How do you usually go to work, Sally?W: Well, I usually go to work by bike. Bicycle riding is good exercise, you know. Sometimes I take a bus on rainy days. How about you, Mike?M: I live far away from my work, so I take the underground every day. Its quick and convenient.Q: How does Sally usually go to work ? 11.W: Can I help you? M:Yes please. Im looking for a school bag for my daughter. How much is this blue bag?W:The blue bag is twenty dollars and the red one is two dollars more.M:All right. Ill take the red one.Q: Where does this dialogue probably take place? 12.M:What are you going to do this evening Sarah?W:Ill watch the TV program I Am a Singer. Its my favorite. How about you, Frank?M:Im going to watch a football match with my friends. Q:What is Sarah going to do this evening? 13.W:Help me carry these books upstairs, will you , Jack?M:Help you! Do you think I work here?Q:What does Jack mean? 14.W: That was such an interesting movie! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.M: I must tell you that I fell asleep after the first thirty minutes.Q: How did the man feel about the movie? 15W:How can I help you, sir?M:Ive got a problem with my camera. The flash doesnt work at all. Could you have a look at it, please?W:OK, Well have it fixed as soon as possible. You can have it back next Monday.M:Thats fine. Thank you very much.W:Youre welcome, sir.Q:Whats the relationship between the two speakers ? 16.M:What did you think of the final exam, Julia?W: I was expecting it to be easy, but at the end of the first hour, I was still on the first page. I hardly had time to get to the last question.Q:What do we learn from the conversation? C:I will never forget the Australian hotel my parents and I stayed in last summer. It was quite small, hot and uncomfortable.The worst thing about the hotel was the lift. It was very small. There was only one for the whole hotel. We were on the fifth floor. It was a long way down to the ground floor by the stairs.The hotel was full. There was always a long line for the lift. We spent a long time waiting for it each day. Worse still, it often stopped working. We got very angry about that.One morning we had got the lift down to the ground floor. I had forgotten my jacket. I went back to my room for it. I pressed the button for the lift and it came right away. It stopped halfway down. It was not at any of the floors. It had stopped working! I was frightened. I struck the door and shouted. Then I pressed the alarm bell. Luckily, Mum and Dad guessed what had happened and asked for help. In a short time someone came and helped me out of the lift.I still have nightmares about that lift. In fact, I am now nervous about all lifts. I keep thinking that they will stop working any time.D:Alice lived in the country, but one year she decided to visit the capital city to do some shopping. She stayed at a hotel beside the central market.On the first morning in the city, as she walked from the hotel to the market, she passed a blind beggar. Alice felt sorry for the beggar and she put a dollar coin into his bowl.On the fourth day, however, Alice did not have a dollar coin. She had only fifty cents so she dropped this into the beggars bowl. The beggar noticed that she gave him less money than the first three times. So he asked, “Why did you give me less money today?”Alice was very surprised by what the beggar said. “How do you know I havent given you a dollar?” she said. “If youre blind you cant know what coin I put into your bowl.”“Ah,” explained the beggar, “to tell you the truth, Im not blind. Im just looking after this place for the regular person while hes on holiday.”“What does your blind friend do on holiday?” Alice asked.“He is in the country,” the man said, “ he loves ta
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