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(新人教PEP)四年级英语下册教学设计Unit 4 At the farmPart A Lets spell【Teaching aims】1. Knowledge objective. Enable Ss to master the two pronunciations of combined letters “or”: : and :.2. Ability objective.(1) Enable Ss to read the words with combined letters “or”and“w-or”.(2) Enable Ss to write the words with combined letters “or”and“w-or” according to their pronunciations. 3. Moral objective. Helpstudentscultivateandfostertheirabilitiesofworkingingroups.【Important points】Master the two pronunciations of combined letters “or”and spell words according their pronunciations. 【Difficult points】Write words according to the pronunciation of combined letters “w-or”. 【Teaching tools】PPT, word cards, big envelopes, letter boards, Flash.【Teaching procedure】Step1. Warming up1. Watch a video: Letter song.2. Greeting.Step2. Presentation & Practice1. Lead in. Teach one of the pronunciation of combined letters “or”: :.(1) Let Ss say sth. about the teacher, such as: You are tall/ friendly.T:Would you please say something about me? Miss Liu, you are.Maybe we can play a game with me. The rule is.Look!(PPT)So, are you ready? Lets go!(2) Game: Judge some information about the teacher. Like:I am a Chinese teacher. Of course not.I am forty years old. But I wont tell you. Its a secret.I wear shorts today. Look, I am wearing a skirt today.I like sports. I can play basketball. I am cool, right? I have a son. Yes, I really have a son. And he is six years old.My son likes storybooks very much. Thats true. (3) Read and answer: Whats the same? (forty, shorts, sports, storybook)Now, look carefully. What are they?(PPT)Ok, lets listen.So, how do you feel? Whats the same?(PPT)What does it sound?(4) Watch a video about the pronunciation of combined letters “or”: :, Ss imitate.Lets have a look.So, you can say o-r, or.(5) Spell and read.Ss read those words including combined letters “or”.T: Look here. This is or. And look at my finger. Its magic. Whats this?a. T sets an example to spell the words. Ss try to read, such as: f-or, or-k, f-or-k, f-or-ks.b. Group work: I can play with letters. (T prepared some envelopes with letters board for each group.)Very good. So I think you can play this game in your group. Now, see it. This is the game. (PPT)Do you have a big envelope? Open it. Now, lets go! (music)c. Show and say: T choose some groups to show their words, Ss try to read them.Alright. Lets stop here. Let me see, what do you have? Ok, here is a word. Look, this is their word. Whats this?So you are pretty good. You have made so many words. Of course, some of them are not real yet, but maybe one day theyll come true. (6) Present new sentences, Ss try to listen, read and imitate.So here, Miss Liu has some real words. Can you try? See it, whats this?(On Bb.)a. Present the key words with pictures on the Bb. ( fork, horse, pork, corn, York)I like corns very much. Its yum!York is a boys name. Maybe he lives in New York. Lets say hello to York.b. Introduce York and Ss try to read these sentences:York is four.He has a fork.Eat some pork.Eat some corn.Yum. Yum. Yum.This is about York. (PPT)Can you try in groups? Have a try!c. Ask a group to read one by one, sentence by sentence.d. Listen to the sentences, then Ss act together.Lets listen and follow it.2. Teach another pronunciation of combined letters “or”: :.(1) Elicit that York is very busy and Ss guess why.(Im only four years old, but Im very busy.)Do you like York? Hes very cute, right? So, lets listen.(PPT)Why is York very busy? Maybe he.(2) Ss try to read the sentences one by one:I read a word.I watch a worm.I play with Worf.I have so much work.So lets have a look, ok?(PPT)Now, lets listen.(Listen to the sentences.)Lets see, what are they?(word, worm, Worf, work)Lets check.(Listen to the words.)So lets read again. Look here!(Read the word cards, stick them to Bb.)(3) Focus on the words in those sentences: word, worm, Worf, work. Ask Ss to discuss the pronunciation of combined letters “or” in these words. That is: :.Now, can you find anything new about “or”? (PPT)Maybe you can discuss in groups first .Who can tell us?(4) Conclude: When combined letters “or” are together with the letter “w”, it pronounces :. Wow, you got it! So smart!Lets see.(PPT)This is my question and he has answered it. We read it as w:.Follow me: w:(5) Listen to a chant: “o-r” : “w-or” w: “w-or” w:. Ss imitate.(6) Try to read “world” according to “word”. Then learn the important phrase “world map”.(work-word-world)Now, here with them. Look carefully. (PPT)Work in a house, we can say?Work on a farm?Work after school at home?(Present the card of “homework”.)(7) Present the part of “Read, listen and chant”.
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