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威宁四中 学校 高二 年级 26 班 英语 科导学案执教人李荣芬课题Unit2 Poems课类Reading主备人李荣芬审定人高二英语组授课时间 2015 年 12 月 2日教学目标1、 自学目标(基础知识)To grasp the new words and phrases in the passage. 2、 合作目标(重点知识)1.To develop the students reading ability by skimming and scanning the passage.2To learn about the reasons that people write poems and some simple forms of English poems.3、 探究目标(难点知识)To enable the students to learn about some simple forms of English poetry and to develop their reading ability.4、情感态度价值观目标1To cultivate students appreciation of poetry and the ability of understanding,enjoying and writing poems. 2To develop students sense of cooperative learning. 主要方法Individual and group work to finish each task :Skimming and scanning, task-based teaching, discussion.教师主导步骤(要点问题化)学生学习步骤(求解活动化)时间组织教学 Arousing students interests by translating an English poem into Chinese and encouraging them to think about the question: Why people write poems?1.Read the poem and try to translate it into Chinese. Toiling Farmers By LiShen Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray, Thanks to their toiling day? 2.Think about the following questions:Why people write poems?45展示目标1.To know the meanings of the new words and phrases in the passage : convey cottage tease rhyme translate endless nursery emotion take it easy run out of 2.To learn about the reasons that people write poems and some simple forms of English poems.3To develop the students reading ability by skimming scanning and detailed reading the passage. 4.To practice writing simple poems. (According to students level, make a proper adjustment if necessary.)1.Students should make it clear that what they will learn and what they should do during the following class.2.Work together in groups and finish each task.23导 学 达 标Step1.Greetings & Leading-in with LiShens poemStep2.Learning the new words Step3. Skimming the passage and getting the general idea of the passage with the help of the title and the pictures.Step4. Scanning the passage after the record to finish the related exercises. Step 5. listening & summarizing1.Under the teachers guidance, get involved in the new class.2.According to the explanation and examples, learn the new words and expressions.3.Work in groups to finish Step3,Step4 and Step 5.1720检测矫正Check the exercises one by one and analyze the ones that students cant understand.Answer the questions actively and check the answers, then try to understand some key &difficult points.8总结提升Ask students to sum up what we have learned. 1.Review the new words.2.Talk about the different kinds of poems in their own words.7布置作业According to students English level to arrange.Reference: 1.Learn the useful new words and expressions in this period by heart. 2Try to find some selections of poems and appreciate their beauty and eventually try to write some poems of your own.21、自主学习打基础(训练检测题)Before-readingMatch the words and phrases with their proper meanings. 1convey()A. sameness of sound between words or syllables,esp. in the end of lines2cottage ()B. a strong feeling such as love,fear or anger 3tease ()C. make fun of somebody in an unkind way 4rhyme ()D. a place where young children are cared for 5translate ()E. make(ideas,feelings,etc.)known to another person 6endless ()F. use up 7nursery ()G. small simple house,esp. in the country 8emotion ()H. relax 9take it easy ()I. express sth. in a different language 10run out of ()J. without end While-reading2、合作交流抓重点(训练检测题)1.Skim the passage quickly,and try to get its general idea. The main idea of the passage: A brief introduction of .2. Scan the passage and answer the following questions.(1)Which one is NOT the reason in the passage why the poets write poems .A. to tell a story B. to describe sth. C. to make a baby cry D. to convey certain emotions (2)How many kinds of poems does the reading passage talk about ?A.8. B. 5. C. 7. D.6.(3)Which of the following kind of poem is not mentioned? ANursery rhymes.BTang poems.CHaiku.DAdverb poems. (4)Poem A is about .A. a father who is going to buy his baby a billy-goatB. a father who is going to buy his baby a mockingbirdC. a father who shows his love for his babyD. a father who is going to buy his baby a diamond ring(5)Which two poems have rhyming lines? A. Poems A and B. B. Poems C and D.C. Poems E and F. D. Poems G and H.(6). Which poems give you clear pictures in your mind? A. Poems A and C. B. Poems F and G.C. Poems B and D. D. Poems E and H.3、小
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