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九上英语Unit10试卷3听下边五段小对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案填空。 (10分)( ) 6 Has Tony ever been late for class ? A Yes, he has. B No, he hasnt . C I dont know .( ) 7 What day are they talking about ? They are talking about _.A Childrens Day B Christmas Day C April Fools Day ( ) 8 When did the bus leave ? A At 9:00 . B At 8:55. C At 9:05 .( ) 9 what day is it today ? It is _.A Sunday B Saturday C Monday ( ) 10 John went to the park _. A to meet a friend B to see a dolphin show C to have a party C . 听录音完成表格。(5分)Because the 11 Olympic Games will be held in our country in 2008, We must get something ready .1 We will build new hotels, a large stadium, and a fine new 12 .2 We will also build 13 .2 Workers will build a 14 and some new roads by the end of 2005 .3 The people are getting ready for the Olympic Games by learning 15 . 语言知识运用单项选择: 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(10小题,计10分)( )16 -Do you like playing computers ? Yes, I like it very much . I think more and more people are _ it. A interest in B interesting in C interested in ( ) 17 -What a nice book ! How long _ you _ it ? - Just two days . A did buy B have bought C have had ( ) 18 -Why are you tired now ? I went to bed _ late yesterday evening _ I am very exhausted now . A so that B such that C as as ( ) 19 I am very busy. Will you _ the telephone for me ? A answer B give C take ( ) 20 -What happened this morning ? - By the time she got up , her brother _ into the bathroom . A have gone B went C had gone ( ) 21 - Have you ever _ the Great Wall ? - Yes, but only once . A been in B gone to C been to ( ) 22 This new pair of shoes _not very expensive . It is only 20 Yuan . A Are B is C am ( ) 23 -Can you tell me the differences _ American English _ British English ? - Yes, I think the differences are not very great . A both and B between and C neither nor ( ) 24 - _ was the telephone invented _ ? - Bell . A Who for B Who by C What for ( ) 25 He was _ tired _ any longer . Shall we have a rest ? A too cant B too to B enough to A. 完形填空:从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项完成下面短文。 Paris has a beautiful name , the city of 26 . Do you know 27 it means ? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at 28 . The streets are very 29 . When you 30 in Paris , you mustnt turn 31 your headlights even after dark . Paris is full of lights all day and night . But this is not the only reason for its beautiful 32 . For hundreds of years , Paris has been the center of science and art . 33 scientists and artists have come to 34 here. . For this reason also , people 35 it the City of Lights. ( ) 26 A Buildings B Lights C Cars ( ) 27 A what B when C where ( ) 28 A day B night C afternoon ( ) 29 A dirty B dark C bright ( ) 30 A live B travel C drive ( ) 31 A out B on C off ( ) 32 A light B name C river ( ) 33 A No B A few C Lots of ( ) 34 A study B play C drive ( ) 35 A help B make C call 阅读理解 (共3部分,计26分)A 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容判断下面句子的正(T)误(W)。Mr. Lewis was a dance teacher . He was a nice man and always had a lot of students . One year he moved to a new town , and was soon teaching a lot of students in the dance school there, but he decided to move to a big city again . “ Ill have better work there . ” he thought . When one of his women students heard that he was going to leave , she said to him , “ The teacher to take your classes wont be as good as you are .” Mr Lewis was happy when he heard this , but he said , “ Oh , no . Im sure he will be as good as me or even better .” But the student said , “ No, five teachers have come here and gone while Ive been here , and each one was worse than the last one . ”( ) 36 Mr Lewis moved to a new town and lived in the dance school then . ( ) 37 He decided to move to a big city because the students didnt like him . ( ) 38 The woman student like Mr Lewis best of all . ( ) 39 The woman student thought Mr Lewis did the worst in teaching
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