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学业分层测评.单项填空1Lucy has all the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.AacquiredBfinishedCconcludedDachieved【解析】句意:露西已经实现了所有她为自己所设定的高中的目标,已做好准备迎接大学里的新的挑战。“实现目标”应该用achieve goals。【答案】D2The magazine you lent me among the 10 most popular ones in our school.AnamedBbelongedClistedDranked【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:你借给我的那本杂志被评为我们学校十大最受欢迎的杂志之一。根据句意选D。【答案】D3I heard from radio that the gang was caught in possession of stolen goods.Aa;theBthe;/C/;/Dthe;the【解析】hear from the radio从收音机上听到,in possession of拥有,in the possession of sb.(某物)为某人所有。根据句意可知选B。【答案】B4I always make a of introducing new members to the chairman.AsympathyBthemeCobjectDpoint【解析】句意:我总是特意把新成员介绍给主席。make a point of doing sth.表示特意去做某事。故选D。【答案】D5Im sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good of direction.AideaBfeelingCexperienceDsense【解析】a sense of direction方向感。句意:我确信大卫能找到图书馆他方向感非常好。【答案】D6To the long bitter winter,Soppy had tried many ways to get himself arrested by the police,but all in vain.AremainBsurviveCbearDendure【解析】由句意可知,此处应为“为了渡过漫长而又痛苦的冬天”。survive sth.从中挺过来,符合句意。答案为B项。【答案】B7 you have picked up,you must give it back to it belongs to.AWhatever;whoeverBWhat;no matter whoCNo matter what;no matter whoDWhatever;no matter who【解析】考查whever的用法。whever可以引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句。no mather wh只能引导让步状语从句。第一空引导让步状语从句,并在从句中作宾语,应选whatever或no matter what;第二空引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语,应用whoever。【答案】A8Mummy,can I put the peaches in the cupboard?No,dear.They dont well.Put them in the fridge instead.AkeepBfitCgetDlast【解析】keep“保存”;fit“安装”;get“得到,获得”;last“持续”,后常接表示一段时间的词。由句意判断选A项。【答案】A9Whoever of a strong fighting spirit can succeed in his career.ApossessesBis in the possessCis possessedDpossessed【解析】考查动词搭配。be possessed of具有。句意:任何一个具有挑战精神的人都能够在他的事业上取得成功。【答案】C10Many of us Chinese people are with the beauty of Hangzhou and Suzhou.AattractiveBconfidentCfamiliarDsensitive【解析】be familiar with.“对了解/熟悉的”。attractive“吸引人的”;confident“自信的”;sensitive“敏感的”。【答案】C.完形填空On a Saturday morning,my left arm went numb,and I felt dizzy.I was taken to hospital.After a quick 1 ,the doctor said I had a stroke.As waves of paralysis(瘫痪) came over me,I slowly lost 2 of my body.I was just 50 and I thought about how 3 it was.After two operations,I was transferred to the Recovery Center.Though I had lost the use of my 4 arm and leg and couldnt see out of my left eye,the only thought on my mind was to return to my job.But the 5 was that I needed to relearn how to 6 and see first.I had always been kind of 7 ,and this just made me feel like recovery was impossible.A few days after my first 8 physical therapy(治疗) session,my mother came into my room with a neatlytyped 9 written by a nineyearold boy named Jackson.He told me about the stroke hed had only a year earlier.He,too,had been paralyzed on his left side.But, 10 telling me what he had lost,Jackson shared what I would 11 “Do not give up on yourself.All the hard work is worth it,” he wrote.And the advice kept on coming.He told me to 12 the therapy on the hospitals “grownup” floor,where “they make you work hard and you get lots of things back fast”Here I was,a grown man and a senator of Illinois,getting 13 from a young boy I had 14 met.After a few weeks of correspondence(通信),I arranged for us to meet.He seemed 15 at first,but all the awkwardness quickly 16 Jackson showed me how he could run,and I immediately felt 17 One thing I particularly 18 was the energy and dignity radiating from him.As for my recovery,it 19 just as Jackson said it would.After a year of intense physical therapy,I climbed to the top of the Capitol and returned to work.With every step I took,I thought of Jackson and his 20 Whenever I was tired or discouraged,I thought of him,the worlds strongest boy.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“我”因中风而面临瘫痪,并为此感到沮丧。此时一个同样因中风而面临瘫痪的九岁男孩的来信,给了“我”鼓励。作者通过这个故事旨在启迪人们:面对逆境时,要坚强、勇敢地面对,不退缩、不气馁,任何坎都会过去的。1A.decisionBexaminationCdescriptionDdiscussion【解析】根据本句中的“the doctor said I had a stroke”可知,医生应是在检查之后才知道“我”中风了。examination意为“检查”,符合语境。decision意为“决定”;description意为“描述”;discussion意为“讨论”,均与语境不符。故答案选B。【答案】B2A.hopeBsightCmemoryDcontrol【解析】根据上文“waves of paralysis(瘫痪)came over me”可知,由于瘫痪,“我”慢慢失去了对身体的控制。control意为“控制”,符合语境。hope意为“希望”;sight意为“视力,景象”;memory意为“记忆”,均与语境不符。故答案选D。【答案】D3A.unbelievableBordinaryCsignificantDcontroversial【解析】根据上文“I was just 50”可知,作者认为自己年龄不大,在这时候中风是令人难以置信的。unbelievable意为“难以置信的”符合语境。ordinary意为“普通的”;significant意为“重要的”;controversial意为“有争议的”,均与语境不符。故答案选A。【答案】A4A.rightBleftCsingleDonly【解析】根据第一段中的“my left arm went numb”及下文“couldnt see out of my left eye”可知,“我”已无法使用左臂和左腿。故答案选B。【
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