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(完整版)英语专四作文范文英语专四作文范文2016英语专四作文范文 享受有意义的生活 It maybe our common desires to experience a meaning life, but when it comes to the topic How to live a meaningful life, the opinions are divided。 享受有意义的生活这也许是我们每个人共同的愿望。 In someones eyes, they agree that a meaningful life is just a comfortable life which means they can enjoy themselves as possible as they can. 当我们谈论“如何有意义的生活这个话题的时候,不同的人有着不同的观点. However, personally in my view, if we spend our whole life in pursuing things only for ourselves, we will surely let ourselves down when we look back。 在一些人眼里,有意义的生活就是舒适的生活,他们可以尽情的享受自己的时光. Theres an old saying that goes The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it。 但是,就我个人而言,如果我们把我们整个生命都花费在追逐那些只对我们自己有利的事物上的时候,在回顾往事的时候,我们肯定会觉得很失望。 I cant agree more。 有一句古老的谚语“生命的最大用处就是将它用在那些比生命更长久的事情上,我非常同意这种说法。 If there is a way to avoid a disappointed life, it should be to try our best to find meaningful things which can also make contributions to the whole society。 如果说存在能够避免很失望的生活的方法的话,我觉得应当是尽我们最大的努力去发现生活当中那些既有趣又能够对整个社会有贡献的事情。 Even a single man can make a big difference to the world。 既然仅仅一个人都能够使世界发生很大的改变,更不用说,我们每个人携起手来共同给世界带来的变化。 Not to mention thateveryone get together to bring changes to the society. 是我们一起采取行动来体验有意义的生活的时候了。 Its high time that we took measures to experience a meaning life。 开始一个有意义的生活从来就不会太晚. Whats more, its never too late to start a meaning life. 所以,追寻内心的自我,享受你的幸福并且努力帮助其他人,这样才是值得度过的有意义生活. So be yourself, enjoy your happiness and be helpful to others。 Thats the meaning life worth living. 以貌取人 Thesedays there is a general discussion about the issue of judging a person by theirappearance。 现在有关于通过外貌判断一个人的问题的一般性讨论。 Peoples opinions differ greatly concerning this phenomenon. 人们对这种现象的看法大不相同。 Is it wise to judge a person by their appearance? 判断一个人的外貌是明智的吗? Itis definitely not。 这绝对不是有很多原因来解释这一现象. Thereare numerous reasons explaining this phenomenon。 首先,虽然良好的外观有助于让别人在第一次见面时留下好印象,善良和内心的思想是对所有生命的时间交朋友最重要的。 First and foremost, although good appearance is helpful to leave others agood impression in the first meeting, kindness and inner thought are the mostimportant to make friends for all life time. 其次,许多事实表明迷人的外表有些人没有成功案例,虽然没有英俊的外表别人实现很多。 Secondly,many facts reflect that some people with charming appearance make no successfulevents, while others without handsome appearance achieve a lot. 最后但notthe最少,随着科学和技术,整形手术可以改变一个人的外表,所以也许人们酸味只改变其外观但不发展他们的美德. Last but notthe least, with thedevelopment of science and technology, plastic surgery can change onesappearance, so maybe the people with sourness only alter their appearance but not develop their virtue. 诚然,这是不明智的判断一个人的外貌. Admittedly, it is unwise tojudge a person by their appearance。 所以人们应该有更多的与他人找到他们内在的思想之美。 So people should have more communicationwith others to find the beauty of their inner thought。 1
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