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期末复习操练(Units 1-15)Grammar.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Now he must be _(read) in the library.2. Granny often tells us _(save) water in our daily life. 3. Didnt you see the sign? It says “No _(park)!”4. What would you do if you _(have) a lot of money? 5. Its common knowledge that tea _(invent) in China. 6. Ma Li has been _(practice) speaking English since she was four.7. Look, there are many farmers _(work) on the farm. 8. I often hear Mr Yu _(read) aloud in the office.9. How many English words _ you _(learn) by the end of last term?10. You should _(finish) your homework, but you didnt.选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. When I got to the school, our classroom _. A. was cleaned B. cleaned C. was being cleaned D. being cleaned( ) 2. The talk show on TV is very popular. It often makes people _. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed ( ) 3. She couldnt _ her words _ by the students. A. get; understanding B. get; understood C. make; to understand D. make; understand ( ) 4. Anna hasnt come to school today. I think she _ be ill. A. can B. has to C. may D. should ( ) 5. Whos the man over there? Is it Mr Liu? It _ be him. Hes much taller. A. cant B. mustnt C. should D. may( ) 6. The young lady _ we met yesterday is our new math teacher. A. what B. whose C. who D. which( ) 7. He talked about the teachers and the schools _ he had visited. A. who B. that C. what D. where( ) 8. If I _ ten years younger, I _ very happy. A. were; would be B. am; shall be C. were; have been D. am; would be Communication 根据对话内容和首字母,在空白处填写恰当的单词,使对话完整、连贯。A: Ann, what are you listening to? I like that singers voice.B: Its Sam Austins Never Is Never. A: I have never h_(1) of him before. W_(2) is he from?B: Hes from America, but many of his fans are in Korea. Hes my f_(3) singer now.A: Whats special a_(4) his songs? B: His songs were written by h_(5). And he sings in a low voice. His songs move us b_(6) they are about life of teenagers like you and me.A: Thats why this song s_(7) so different. Hey, can I b_(8) that CD for the weekend?B: Uh Im a_(9) not. I bought it only two days ago. Can you wait u_(10) next month? A: Sure, no problem.Passage根据短文内容,完成下列表格中的信息,每空词数不限。The stages (阶段) of sleepAs youre beginning to sleep, your eyelids (眼皮) feel heavier and heavier. As you slowly fall asleep, you begin to enter the five different stages of sleep:Stage 1In this stage, your brain (大脑) tells your muscles (肌肉) to relax. It also tells your heart to beat slowly, and your body temperature drops a bit.Stage 2After a moment, you enter stage 2, which is a light sleep. You can still be woken up easily during this stage. Stage 3When youre in this stage, youre in a deeper sleep. Its much harder to wake up when youre in this stage, but some people may sleepwalk or talk in their sleep at this point.Stage 4This is the deepest sleep. Its very hard to wake up from this stage of sleep, and if you wake up, youre sure to be confused for at least a few minutes. REMThis stands for (代表) Rapid Eye Movement. Even though the muscles in the rest of your body are totally relaxed, your eyes move back and forth very quickly below your eyelids. The REM stage is also the stage when people dream!While youre asleep, you repeat (重复) stages 2, 3, 4, and REM about every 90 minutes until you wake up in the morning. For most kids, thats about four or five times a night. Who said sleep was boring?The stages of sleepWhen you feel its hard to open your eyes, youre beginning to sleep. Stage 1Your brain gives orders to let your muscles (1)_ and your heart _.Stage 2It is called (2)_ and you can be woken up easily.Stage 3 Some people may (3)_ in this deeper sleep.Stage 4Its hard for you to (4)_ from this stage of sleep.REM stageIn this stage, your eyes (5)_ back and forth very quickly below your eyelids and people may _.Test focus选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. Mr Black is strongly _ keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom. (2010吉林通化) A. up B. for C. against D. down ( ) 2. As we know, the Changjiang River is one of _ rivers in the world. (2010福建龙岩) A. long B. longer C. the longest( ) 3. _ the one-child policy, our country has controlled the population successfully. (2010福建龙岩) A. Thanks to B. Thanks for C. As for( ) 4. Because of Project Hope, _
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