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高考从句综合练习(2016真题,附答案及解析)1. 匕京卷) 22. I live next door to a couple children often make a lot of noise.A. whoseB. whyC. whereD. which2. 匕京卷) 24. Your support is important to our work. You can do helps.A. HoweverB. WhoeverC. WhateverD. Wherever3. (天津卷)7.the average age of the population increases, there are moreand more old people to care for.A. Unless B. UntilC. AsD. While4. (天津卷) 9. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,the weathermay be better.A. thatB. where C. which D. when5. (天津卷) 11. The manager put forward a suggestion we should have anassistant. There is too much work to do.A. whether B. thatC. which D. what6. (天津卷)13. You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel the coachpicks up tourists.A. whoB. which C. where D. that7. (浙江卷) 5.online shopping has changed our life , not all of its effectshave been positive.A. Since B. After C. While D. Unless8. (浙江卷)11.Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings crytears , none of has been proved.A. whom B. which C. what D. that9. (江苏卷)21. It is often the case anything is possible for those who hang onto hope.A. why B. whatC. asD. that10. (江苏卷) 23.Many young people, most were well-educated, headedforremote regions to chase their dreams.A. ofwhich B. ofthem C. ofwhom D. ofthose11. (江苏卷)26.some people are motivated by a need for success, others are motivated by a fear of failure.A. Because B. IfC. Unless D. While答案 ; 1-5 ACCDB 6- 10 DCBDCD解析 :1. Ao本题属于考察定语从句引导词的题,根据题意应选whose,意为“谁的”,小孩是这对夫妻的小孩,所以答案选A 。2. C。 本题属于考察名词性从句,意为,你能做的任何事都很有帮助, whatever 引导 主语从句what在从句中做宾语,指代“任何事”,所以答案选C。3. C。 原句意为 “随着人口平均年龄的增加, 越来越多的老年人需要我们关心” 。 as 表 伴随, 意为 “随着” , 符合文意, 因此正确。 unless 意为 “除非” , until 意为 “直到” , while意为“当”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。4. D 。本题属于考察定语从句引导词,根据句意, “我们将把公园的野餐推迟到下周, 那时天气可能会好一些。 “可知,先行词为 next week, 从句不缺成分,选择when 引导定语从句在从句中做状语。故正确答案为 D 。5. B 。 Suggestion 的同位语从句用 that 引导, that 在从句中不做任何成分,只起连接 作用。原题中 we should have an assistant 为 suggestion 的具体内容。 ”经理提出了 一个建议:我们需要一个助手。工作太多了。 “ 故正确答案为 B 。6. D。考察It引导的强调句。判断是否为强调句是将it和be还有that(who)去掉后看剩下的部分是否为一个独立的句子, 而本句中剩下的部分构成一个完整的句子, 故为强调句,而只有在当强调的部分是人,且为句子的主语时,才用who ,故此处应填that。故正确答案为Do7. Co句意:尽管网上购物已经改变了我们的生活,但是并不是所有的影响都是积极的。 While 引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然” 。 ; since “既然,自从” ; after “在之后”;unless “除非”。故选C。8. B。此处使用的是非限定性的定语从句,先行词是theories,指物,定语从句中用代词 +介词+关系代词which 引导。故选B 。9. D 。根据后文中的 “ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope ”可知,连接词所接句子为完整句, 连接词在分句中不作成分, 结合前文中的“It is often the case”可知, 该句为主语从句 why 为什么” , 引导原因状语从句; “ what 什么” , 在句中作 主语或宾语;“as随着”,引导伴随状语从句;“that”引导主语从句,在句中不作成 分。故选项 D 符合答案。10. Co根据句子中前部分Many young people/中的标点符号逗号及空格之前的单词 most,两部分之间无任何连接词可知,此句应该为非限制性定语从句;同时先行词 为人, “ of which ” 先行词为物;“of them” 形式错误, 不能引导非限制性定语从句;“ofwhom”可引导非限制性定语从句,且先行词为人;“ofthose”不能引导非限制性定语从句。故选项 C 符合答案。11. D 。 从形式上来看, 两个句子分开, 句子完整。 意思为一些人受到成功需求的驱使,另外一些人则是受到失败恐惧的驱使。将两个句子连接起来看,前后相照应,表示对比。“Because”因为,表示因果关系;“ If ”如果,表示假设;“Unless”除非, 表示让步; “While “然而,并列连词,表示轻微转折。故选项D 符合答案。
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