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2013年最精简的题库 最有效的通过考试的方法。 内含全真考题,事半功倍的通过的统考,索取联系:QQ 1479940435大学英语 B2本资料仅供参考学习,用最精简的时间学习考试原题是最有效的通过考试的方法。请购买精简题库,内含全真考题,事半功倍的通过的统考,索取资料联系:QQ 1479940435一、交际英语1、-Do you dance?-Yes, I do.-_?-Every weekend. A:How hard do you practice B:How much do you pay for it C:How often do you go dancing D:How long do you practice it答案: C2、-I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.-_. You looked tired last time I saw you. A:I hope so B:Really C:Im glad you did D:The sound was nice答案: C3、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic.-_ A:Great, I am very art-conscious. B:Dont mention it. C:Thanks for your compliments. D:Its fine.答案: C4、- Madam, do all the buses go downtown?- A:Wow, you got the idea. B:No, never mind. C:Pretty well, I guess. D:Sorry, Im new here.答案: D5、- Whos speaking? - This is Tom . A:speaks B:spoken C:speaking D:saying答案: C 二、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)此部分共有2篇短文,在第一篇短文后有5个正误判断题,从每题后的两个选项中选出正确答案;在第二篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。Mr. White lived in a small village. 怀特先生住在一个小村子里 His parents hadnt enough money to send him to school. 父母以前没钱送他上学读书 He had to help them to do something in the fields. 他得帮父母干农活 But he didnt like to live in the poor place. 但他不喜欢住在贫穷的地方When he was sixteen, he got to the town and found work in a factory. 16岁的时候,他去了城里,在工厂里找了份工作Three years later he became tall and strong. 三年后长高了,变壮了。So he was sent to Africa as a soldier. 他参了军,被送到非洲。He stayed there for five years and got some money.在那儿呆了5年,赚了些钱。 Then he came back to England and bought a shop in a small town.然后他回到英格兰,在一个小镇上买了一家店。 No people in the town went to Africa except him.小镇上只有他去过非洲 And he hoped they thought he was a famous man and that they could respect him.他希望人们认为他是个名人并尊敬他 The children often asked him to tell them some stories and his life in Africa. 小孩子们经常要他讲讲非洲的故事以及他在非洲的生活。 One day a few children asked him to tell them something about the animals in Africa.一天一些孩子要他讲讲非洲的动物He told them how he fought with the tigers and elephants.他说他曾经跟老虎和大象搏斗过 His stories surprised them all and some policemen and workers went to listen to him. 他的故事让人们很惊奇,一些警察和工人都来听他讲 It made him happier. 这让他更开心了Just a man who taught geography in a middle school passed there.刚好一个在中学教地理的老师经过 He stopped to listen to him for a while and then said他停下来听了会然后说, Could you please tell us a rare animal, sir?你能讲讲一种稀有动物吗? Certainly, said Mr. Turner (注意:此处怀疑应该为 Mr.White. 注释者) One day I met a rhinoceros(犀牛) by a river 当然可以,一天我看到河边有一头犀牛 Please wait a minute, sir, said the man. There arent any rhinoceros in Africa at all! “等一下”那人说,“非洲根本就没有犀牛!” Its rare just because there arent any! “因为没有所以稀有啊!”(1)、Mr. White was born in a farmers family.怀特先生出生于农民家庭 A:T B:F答案: A(2)、Mr. White hoped to be respected because he was the richest man in their town. 怀特先生希望大家尊敬他,因为他是镇上最有钱的人。 A:T B:F答案: B(3)、The children often asked him to tell them something interesting because he knew more than any other person in the town.孩子们经常要他讲讲好玩的事,因为他比镇上的其他人知道的多。 A:T B:F答案: A(4)、All people believed Mr. White except the children. 除了孩子,所有的人都相信怀特先生。 A:T B:F答案: B(5)、Mr. White wouldnt like to admit that he was wrong. 怀特先生不想承认他错了。 A:T B:F答案: A2、 (此篇翻译件参见第一套的阅读理解二) Places to stay in Britain are as varied as the places you visit. Whatever your budget is the choice -from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle - is all part of fun.Hostels Cheap, good-value hostels are aimed at all types of like-minded travelers, who prefer value over luxury and you dont have to be young or single to use them. Britains independent hostels and backpackers hostels also offer a great welcome. Facilities and prices vary, especially in rural areas, where some hostels are a little more than a bunkhouse (临时住房) while others are remarkably comfortable almost like bargain hotels.Youth Hotels Founded many years ago to help all, especially young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside, the Youth Hotels Association is still going strong in the 21st century. The network of 230 hotels is a perfect gateway for exploring Britains towns and countryside.B&Bs The B&B (bed and breakfast) is a Great British institution, In essence you get a room in somebodys house, and small B&Bs may only have one guest room, so youll really feel like part of the family. Larger B&Bs may have four or five rooms and more facilities, but just as warm as a welcome. In country areas your B&B might be in a village or an isolated farm surrounded by fields. Prices reflect facilities: and usually run from around 12 to 20 per person. City B&Bs charge about 25 to 30 per person, although theyre often cheaper as you go further out to
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