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Unit1 词汇篇_1.熟练掌握重点单词、词组的用法2.理解并运用关于介绍自己和他人的表述1. zero, one, twonine零,一,二,九zero是基数词。数词可分为两大类:基数词和序数词。表示“多少”的词为基数词;表示“第几”的词为序数词。基数词有zero, one, two等。序数词我们刚学了一个first(第一)。2. first name 意为“名”,也可以用given name表示。Im Kate Green. My first name is Kate.3. last name意为“姓”,也可以用family name表示。4. China n. 中国,in China在中国。n. Chinese 汉语;中文;中国人adj. Chinese 中国的;中国人的;汉语的5. Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴! 英美人初次见面或经过第三方介绍认识时,常说“Nice to meet you!”,其答语是“Nice to meet you, too.”, too前常用逗号。6. Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? 这是以疑问代词what开头的询问对方姓名的特殊疑问句,句中Whats是What is的缩写形式。该句型后面可以加上please,表示客气、礼貌。其答语为“My names/name is+姓名.”或“Im/I am+姓名.”,也可直接回答名字。Whats your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字?My names Tony./Im Tony./Tony. 我叫托尼。7. Is he Jack? 他是杰克吗? No, he isnt. 不,他不是。Is he Jack?是以is开头的一般疑问句,其肯定答语为Yes, he is.,否定答语为No, he isnt.。当问句问的人物为女性时,答语为Yes, she is./No, she isnt.,若主语是第二人称时,问句为Are you?这时答语为Yes, I am./No, I am not.。8. Whats your telephone number, Li Xin? 李欣,你的电话号码是多少? 此句用来询问对方的电话号码,还可用“What number is your telephone?”,答语用Its或My telephone number is。单项选择1.(2019重庆万州甘宁中学期中)- ?-My name is Mary .A. How are you B. Whats your nameC. Whats thisD. Are you Mary2. (2019云梦石林鹿阜中学期中)-Hi! My name Li Ping. -Hi! I Li Hua .A. am ; is B. is ; am C. are ; amD. are ; are 3.(2019重庆万州二中期中)-Paul, this is my brother . A. You are fine B. Thats OKC. Nice to meet youD. Thank you4.(2019河北涉县索堡中学期中)- her phone number ?-Its 275-3876.A. WhatB. WhatsC. howD. hows5.(2019河北石家庄新华期中)Im Jane White. My name is White. You can call me Jane or White. A. family; Mr.B. first; Mr.C. first; Mrs.D. last; Ms.6.(2019浙江湖州中考)-Hello! Is that Jenny speaking ?-Sorry , Im afraid youve got the wrong .A. numberB. nameC. addressD. message7.(2019四川宜宾中考)If a=3 and b=4,whats the answer to the problem: a+b+1=? The answer is .A. twelveB. nineC. eightD. seven基础演练一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. - Hello, my name is Tom Smith.- Hello, Im Mary. N to meet you.2. - Whats your p number?- Its 2787096.3. I have a good f . His name is Tom.4. Jack is in C now.5. I study(学习) in a m school.二、按要求填空(句子类)根据等式用正确的数字填空(数字用英语表达)。1. + = 2. - = 3. = 4. - = 5. = 巩固提高三、排序题(连词成句)1. is, key, this, your2. is, QQ, what, your, number3. his, name, last, is, Green4. Mike, middle, is, in, school, not, the5. Gina, in, her, are, China, and, friend四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)1. Cindy是我的名字。Cindy is my .2. 我是布鲁斯,见到你真高兴。 Bruce. .3. 她的QQ号码是983161180. QQ 983161180.4. - 她是Alice吗?- 不,不是。她的名字叫Grace。- Alice?- , . Her name is Grace.5. 她是他的英语老师。 English teacher.一、单项选择1. - Whats that?- Its pen. pen is yellow. A. a; TheB. an; TheC. a; AnD. an; A2. - Ms. Browns first name?- Jane. A. WhatB. WhatsC. HowD. Hows3. - you Linda?- Yes, I . A. Is; amB. Are; isC. Is; isD. Are; am4. This is an English boy. Eric is name. A. heB. hisC. sheD. her5. One and eight is . A. sixB. sevenC. eightD. nine6. The girl is Grace Miller. Miller is her name. A. firstB. oneC. schoolD. last7. - What s her telephone number?- is 363-4458. A. ItB. ThisC. ThatD. Her8. - Is this your jacket?- . Its Jennys jacket. A. Yes, it isB. Yes, she isC. No, it isntD. No, she isnt9. Bob is friend. is a good boy. A. my; HisB. my; HeC. I; HisD. I; He10. - Nice to meet you. A. Good morning!B. Thanks. C. I m OK.D. Nice to meet you, too.二、完形填空(重庆市江津区2019年期中) This is Peter Smith. His 1 name is Peter. His 2 name is Smith. This is 3 school. His school 4 number is 20198567. His teacher is Miss White. Miss White 5 a good teacher. Li Ming is a Chinese boy. Li Ming is his good 6 at school. Look! 7 a pencil box. Is the pencil box 8 ? I dont know. Lets 9 Li Ming 10 4956548.1. A. first
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