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暑假见闻英语作文【十篇】 1.暑假见闻英语作文The thought of that makes me laugh.That day, because the weather was hot, my father took me to the river to play, and also brought a bottle of fish. When I came to the river, my father sat under a big tree to enjoy the cool. As for me, I was playing with water and catching fish in the river.Suddenly, I saw a shrimp. I thought it was a fish. I couldnt wait to hold it up. Unexpectedly, it ran away. I went after it again. It was not easy for me to surround it with my hands. I put my arms around it in the bottle. After a careful look, it turned out to be a shrimp. At this time, I was like a leaky ball. The leaky ball suddenly softened. I thought: its not easy to catch it. Lets raise it! Then I caught some fish and put them in a bottle to keep company with the shrimp.I carried the bottle and walked forward proudly. I accidentally stepped on a piece of moss on the stone. Just listen to the sound of “Dong”, I am like a drowned chicken, covered with water. And the fish and shrimp in the bottle also took this opportunity to run away, leaving an empty bottle to soak in the water. I picked up the bottle and walked unhappily ashore. Its really “if you cant steal a chicken, you will lose rice”. As a result, I went home wet.Whenever I think of it, my face will be red to the ears.2.暑假见闻英语作文It was not easy to wait until the summer vacation. We went back to our hometown. Here, we visited the memorial hall and went to climb mountains to catch fish. It was really interesting!We were going to have dinner in a restaurant at the foot of the mountain. Because the people hadnt arrived yet, we decided to catch fish in a small river in front of us. The river is very clear, and you can see the bottom. Moreover, the river is very wide, and the water is not very deep, only about 40 cm. There are many groups of small fish swimming around in the water, free.My friends and I all took off our shoes and socks and went into the water to catch fish. The water is very cool. The little fish in the water swim around their legs without fear. At this time, I left the idea of catching fish. I put my hand in the water and wanted to wait for the little fish to bite. Finally, when a small fish came near, I clenched my fist and the fish swam away quickly. I tried several times and still couldnt. the fish reacted too quickly!Time passed quickly. After everyone arrived, we went to dinner, looked at the small fish in the water, and left reluctantly.I was thinking that I would come here again if I had a chance!3.暑假见闻英语作文The summer vacation has begun, and the holiday full of laughter has come! On this day, my mother took me to Zhuhai Chimelong. I have been to Guangzhou Chimelong. The most wonderful thing is the Circus there. I wonder if it will be the same here as there?We stayed in a five hotel called Hengqin Bay, where the water world was located. Water world is a famous scenic spot of Hengqin Bay Hotel. We also came here first. The most exciting and exciting thing in the water world is the slide. The slide is long and short. The long one makes my blood boil, but the short one makes me speechless. Water is widely distributed in the world, and half of it is still outdoors! When I walked into a cave full of water, I saw a strange scene: behind the cave, there was a pool separated by glass. There were actually lively and lovely dolphins in the pool! Here, I travel with the little dolphins.Water world is so fun! I really want to come back next time, but Im looking forward to playing ocean Kingdom tomorrow. It turns out that Zhuhai Chimelong and Guangzhou Chimelong have different highlights.4.暑假见闻英语作文The annual summer vacation is coming. Besides that the teacher is not worth the summer homework, I also went to the Wetland Park in Taizhou! Where is the wetland park? It is clearly a fairyland on earth!First, we took dads car to a hotel in Taizhou. It was five! At one oclock in the afternoon, we went to the swimming pool for swimming. I knew nothing about swimming. I swam in the swimming circle for a while. I felt that I had come back, so I lost the swimming circle. I was swimming. At first, I was pretty stable, but then I fell down. An aunt helped me up, causing me to drink a mouthful of dirty water. Before I knew it, it was time to have a rest.At 8 oclock the next morning, we had breakfast and went to the boat. It was so comfortable! When the cool wind blew, it was a word, “Shuang!” The ship sailed to another world. The other world is really beautiful. Small goldfish swarmed in groups. How beautiful!But after all, this beautiful time passed quickly! Its time to go home in the twinkling of an eye. Its really hard to part with!5.暑假见闻英语作文During the summer vacation, my father and mother, I came to the beautiful Qingdao. The sea in Qingdao is like a transparent and transparent glass mirror. When the sea is surging, it rush
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