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密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题2013-2014学年度第一学期小学六年级英语科第二单元成长评估题 等级: 本单元学习行为评估评价项目自评他评课堂表现作业完成情况听力题一、听读单词,填入所缺字母,写出相应中文。1. b d 2. pple 3. ather 4. itchen 5. ery ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听句子或对话,判断下列句子是否与你听到的意思相符,用T或F表示对或错。1The cinema is in front of the museum. ( )2Turn left at the zoo. You can see the bus stop. ( )3The cinema is not far. ( )4I can go to the museum by taxi. ( )三、听音,填入所缺单词。1. The museum is the park.2. Go on, you can see the zoo.3. , the bus stop is on the .四、听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符, 用T或F表示对或错。1. Amy and Mike want to buy some new pens. ( )2. The shop is next to the post office. ( )3. Amy can take a No. 112 bus to the shop. ( ) 4. The shop is on the left of the post office. ( ) 笔试题一、找出单词划线部分相应的发音,对号入座。pants ( ) pen ( ) seven ( ) football ( ) get ( )a. f b. e c. g d. s e. 二、根据首字母提示填入单词,使句子通顺合理。1. How can I get to the bank, p ? 2. Grandpa is ill. We must take him to see a doctor in the h .3. H b to you. Thank you.4. W is the toy b ? Its on the t .5. Its t for sports. Lets go to play football.6. Mary can play the p very well.7. I like books. So I often go to the l .三、根据中文提示完成句子。1 In summer, I often (游泳) in the sea.2 The elephants (正在喝水) near the river.3 The supermarket is (隔壁) the bank.4 (一直走), you can see the (邮局).四、选择题,将正确的序号填入题目前面括号。( ) 1. I cant see my dog. Lets go and it. A.see B. look for C. look at( ) 2. You can the No. 21 bus to Wal-mark. A. by B. take C. get off( ) 3. I often go to school bike. A. by B. take C. on( ) 4. Is it our school? B: No, its not far. A. far from B. near C. in front of( ) 5. Thank you for to my party. A. coming B. comeing C. come( ) 6. Look. The girl is a snowman. A. make B. making C. makeing( ) 7. We the floor every day. A. sweep B. sweeps C. sweeping( ) 8. How you get to the park? A. do B. are C. is五、写出句子中划线部分的中文意思。1Walk east for three minutes. 2Get off at the supermarket. 3Now let me tell you how to come. 4I want to buy a pair of shoes. 六、连词成句。1get, the, to , forest, how, I ,can? 2east, of, supermarket, bank, the, is, the. 3there, is, a , here, near, bank? 4please, where, is, the, museum, science? 七、根据所给情景写句子。1你想告诉笔友你的学校离家不远,你可以说: 2你想知道书店在哪里,你可以有礼貌地问: 3你如何告诉别人你走路去邮局: 4你如何告诉你弟弟,你正在作业: 八、根据实际情况回答问题。密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题1How can you get to Shanghai? 2Where is the bank? 3What colour are your pens? 4Is Shantou in the north of China? 九、一位老大爷想知道第十五中学在哪里,问了Mike,Mike说他刚来此地,也不知道,大爷又问警察,警察告诉他:往前走,向左转,再走3分钟,在超市后面。请根据情景填空。Grandpa: Excuse me. is No. 15 Middle School?Mike: Sorry, I know. Im here.Grandpa: Thank you all the same. Excuse me. Can you help me, ?Policeman: Whats the matter?Grandpa: can I get to No. 15 Middle School
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