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牛津小学英语Unit 8 My dreams教学设计单位:江苏省兴化市新生小学 姓名: 程俊萍 邮政编码:225700学科:英语【执教课题】: 六年级下册Unit8My dreams【教材简解】本课内容是教育部审定义务教育教科书英语(三年级起点)六年级下 Unit8 My dreams(Story time)部分。本版块话题是Miss Li和她的学生围绕职业梦想展开讨论。在教学中,鼓励学生畅谈自己的梦想,表述自己未来想做什么,引出新句型和本课的主题。主要学习的句型:What do you want to be?、I want to be 【目标预设】1. 能听懂、会读、会说dream, future, care about, tooth, astronaut, spaceship, football player, World cup, dancer, pianist, come true。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语What do you want to be?、I want to be 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论梦想。【教学重点、难点】教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论梦想。【设计理念】 本课的内容以Miss Li和她的学生围绕职业梦想展开讨论为主题,向老师、朋友、同学表述自己对未来职业的畅想,十分贴近学生的生活实际。新课改的宗旨是“一切为了学生”,所以我设计本课时以语言功能为主线,以任务型活动为媒介,努力创设真实的语言交际情景,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,使学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的方式实现任务目标,使课堂活起来,让学生动起来【设计思路】本故事板块内容为Miss Li和她的学生围绕职业梦想展开讨论,因此在导入环节设计了一首关于职业的歌曲,通过歌曲引出话题,并通过与学生谈论,激活学生的旧知,为下一步学习进行铺垫。 在故事前,通过呈现一些学生熟悉的人物的图片,让学生自然地了解并学习新的职业名称及相关知识,然后通过鼓励学生畅谈自己的梦想,表述自己未来想做什么,引出新句型和本课的主题。在故事中,让学生通过观看动画后完成人物和梦想职业的配对题任务,从而让他们能够整体感知故事内容。接着让学生精读故事,通过讨论“为什么”,获取细节,准确地理解故事内容。在完成故事学习后让学生有充分的时间进行语音语调的模仿,培养学生的语感。故事后则通过“看板书复述故事”让学生进一步理解故事,也通过复述提高了学生的英语运用能力。最后通过“Talk show”的设计让学生灵活地运用所学的语言并表达自己的想法。【教学过程】Step 1 Lead-in 1.Enjoy a song: We sing happily together.2. Free talkT: What jobs are mentioned in the song?S1: A farmer.T: Good. Is your father a farmer?S1: No. Hes a T: I see. What else? S2: A worker/a driver/a waiter.【设计意图:通过一首关于职业的歌曲引出话题,并通过与学生谈论,激活学生的旧知,为下一步学习进行铺垫。】Step 2 Presentation 1. Review some learned words. T: Can you say more job names?S1: A policeman.T: Good.S2/3: A driver/A nurse/A policewoman/A fireman/2. Present some new words. (PPT 呈现一些图)T: Look at these pictures. Who are they? Do you know their jobs?S: Theyre Yao Ming/Lang Lang/ Yang Liwei/T: You know all of them well and what about their jobs?S1: Yao Ming is a basketball player.T: Good. So he is good at playing basketball. T: What is Lang Lang good at?S2: Hes good at playing the piano.T: Thats right. So he is a great pianist.T: Can you fly into the space? S3: No, I cant.T: Who can fly into the space?S3: Yang Liwei can.T: Yes, he can. Hes an astronaut. Look! He is flying a spaceship into the space. 3. Present the sentence structure. T: Boys and girls, you are students now. What do you want to be in the future?S1: I want to be T: Thats a good dream. Why?S1: Because I T: I think your dream will come true. How about you?S2: 4. Show the title of this unit.T: Everybody has a dream. (板书标题 Unit 8 Our dreams)【设计意图:通过呈现一些学生所熟悉的人物图片,让学生自然地了解并学习新的职业名称及相关知识,然后通过让学生想象未来会做什么,引出新句型和本课的主题。】Step 3 Story time 1. Elicit the story ( PPT呈现图片)T: Look Miss Li and her students are talking about their dreams too. 2. Watch and think (学生回答时呈现板书:人物头像和相关职业)T: What do the boys and girls want to be?S: (观看卡通,思考并回答)S1: Mike wants to be a dentist.S2: Wang Bing wants to be an astronaut.S3: Liu Tao wants to be a football player.T: Good job. What do the girls want to be?S1: Su Hai wants to be a dancer.S2: Nancy wants to be a writer.S3: Yang Ling wants to be a pianist.T: Good! All of you finish it well.3. Read and discuss (边讨论边呈现板书)T: Look, the boys and girls have different dreams. Do you know why?S: (读课文,找答案,并两人讨论)T: Why does Mike want to be a dentist?S1: Because many children dont care about their teeth. He wants to help them.T: Why does Wang Bing want to be an astronaut?S2: Because he wants to fly a spaceship to the Moon.T: We talked about the boys and girls dreams a lot. Whats Miss Lis dream?S1: She wants to see their dreams come true!T: What does “come true” mean?S2: T: You know well. And I also want to see your dreams come true!【设计意图:通过观看动画,让学生完成人物和梦想职业的配对题,从而整体感知语篇,然后精读故事,通过讨论“为什么”获取细节,准确地理解故事内容。】4. Practice the reading(1) Imitate the dialogueSs pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (2) Students read the dialogue correctly by themselves.(3) Read the story in roles/pairs/groups.【设计意图:正确模仿语音语调,培养学生的语感。在朗读过程中提醒学生遇到困难主动求助,鼓励伙伴间互帮互助。】Step 4 Consolidation 1. Retell the story T: Please look at the design on the blackboard and try to retell the story. (教师多请几位能力较强的学生复述) 2. Think and writeT: Miss Li is writing about her students dreams. Please finish “Think and write” on Page 80.3. Talk show T: Now, we are on a TV program “Talk show”. Please make a similar dialogue in groups of four. (PPT呈现规则和要点) (学生分组讨论和练习,最后教师请几组上来展示) 【设计意图:根据板书的提示,在老师的帮助下,让学生尝试复述故事,以加深对故事的理解,同时也为接下来的写作做好铺垫和准备;最后通过“Talk show”让学生灵活地运用所学的语言并能表达自己的想法。】【家庭作业】1. Listen to the tape and read Story time correctly and fluently.2. Try to retell the story.【设计意图:我布置个性化的作业,利用课余时间表演、创编故事,学生可以根据自己的情况,用头饰和实物进行表演创作,自由交谈他们各自的梦想。将英语学习延伸到课外,增加了学生表达的频度和效率, 把学生的学习提到了更高的层次上。】【板书设计】 Unit 8 Our dreams Who dreams whyThe teacher Miss Li come true
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