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20162017 高三一轮复习学案Unit One Life Style 2016 06 刘 闽Part one 回归教材I 生词填空1. (complain)If it is difficult for him to make a written _ , he may _ orally.2. (urgent) The earthquake victims are in _ need of medical supplies. Progress was _ needed in three other areas, Brown said. But she expresses no great _ about it.3. (bore) I was _ to death by the _ job in the shop.4. (prefer) Which is your _ ,tea or coffee? In other words, which do you _ ?5. (volunteer) Do you _ or serve in an organization or are you a member of some group? I always do _ work on the first Saturday of every month.6. (peace) When everybody has a _ mind , there is world _.7. (stress) Everyone reacts to _ differently; what one individual sees as very _ may not be _ for another individual.8. (solve) Step back and you will find a good way to _ the problem./ a good _ to the problem.9. (graduate) He _ from Harvard in law in 2005./ My sister is a _ of Shandong University in English./ I prefer my parents to come to my _ tomorrow.II 短语翻译1. 打开开关,接通 2. 转换频道,转变3. 把关掉4. (爆竹,铃)响5. 占据(时间,空间)6. 此刻,目前7. 数年间8. 想出(计划,办法)9. 在中起作用10. 除之外还有,既又11. 盼望,期望12. 换衣服13. 迎接挑战14. 对有作用,有影响15. 减少到III 语境记忆1. Mr Wang had been _ (设计) a new machine for three hours, so he felt a little _ (厌烦的). He decided to go out to _ (放松) himself. Half an hour later, he _ (想出) a new idea.2. Toms father _ (遭受) lung cancer last year. _ (除了) studying, he looked his father , which _ (占据) some of his time; _ (结果), he failed in the exam. _ (否则) , he would have got a good mark. However, he decided to make up for his lost lessons.VI 句型赏析1. He is _ (学习同样的课程) me !2. _ (只要) I get good marks in my tests, _ (没关系) I can speak English or not.3. I am always _ (第一个) get to the office.4. I look at some documents that I bring back from my office _ (以便)I can be ready for the next days work.5. Usually, it is _ (如此拥挤以致于)I cant find anywhere to sit.6. _ (据说) an English duchess Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford first introduced the idea of afternoon tea.7. _ (那就是) people call the underground in London.8. Of course , I _ (不可能) live this lifestyle _ (如果没有) a good wife.9. We dont have _ work hours _ (和 一样的) office workers in the city have.10. I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall _ (然而) the dog walks round in a circle.Part Two 核心单词1. MatterIt doesnt . It matters / doesnt to sb +主语从句Whats the (with sb / sth)? A of As a of fact to make matters worse = whats worseNo + 特殊疑问词Exercise:改错: I take this seriously. Its matter of principle. (2013 辽宁) To make matters bad, now I have to share a room with my younger sister. No matter hard he studies, he cant catch up with his twin sister. (2014 辽宁完型)Thinking more about Kens words I gradually recognized root cause of such disagreement. Its the result of the action that really _.A. Inspires B. matters C. improves D. challenges2. Suppose + that clause sb / sth to be It is supposed that suppose / supposing (that) 类似用法:provided / providingBe to do = should / ought to do sth I so./ I not./ I dont so. 类似用法:think, believe, imagineExercise: I my life _ (be) successful. He was waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed _ (interview) . _(假如下雨), will we still go to the market?3. Complain to sb about / of sth to sb that Make a complaint ( to sb ) of / about sthExercise: I complained _ the police _ my neighbours pets. I seldom have time _ fun and other leisure activities with my family, _ which my family . We have received _ (许多来自顾客的投诉) about the lack of parking facilities.4. Stand v / n Cant ( doing) sth still on your head / hands on ones own feet by out for up forExercises: She couldnt _ (tell) what to do. The letter stood _ well against the dark background. How can you _ and see such cruelty? We _ the cause of liberty and justice. In China, these knots _ friendship, love and good luck. You will feel what it is like to _ your head for a while.5. Prefer sth to do / doing sth (doing) sth to (doing) sth to sth rather than do sthn. preference have a for sthExercise: Rather than _ (take) the plane, they preferred_ (take) the train from westto east across Canada. (2013,浙江) People develop a _ (prefer) for particular style of learnin
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