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2014高考英语完形填空、短文改错、阅读理解训练(18)及答案(完形填空)(201*西安地区八校联考)It was one of the happiest Saturday mornings I had spent with my daughter, Gigi. That was, until two strangers threw her into their car and sped away. It seemed like a bad dream.I could _1_ speak when the police questioned me. After that, the policeman asked me to go home to wait. My friend Gloria came to _2_ me. She took my hand and gave me _3_. It was a picture of a little girl _4_asleep in her bed, standing by the bed was a tall, blond(金发的) _5_. We prayed and waited by the phone until sunset. The _6_ never rang. Suddenly,the front door swung open. I looked up and _7_. There stood Gigi. I cried, throwing my _8_ around her. Gigi said:“I was scared. We were going really fast on an old _9_ road Id never seen before. But then a tall man walked out _10_ the car,and they ran off the road and hit a tree. Then the tall man _11_ the car door and pulled me out. He was really nice,and said I would be okay. I must have gone to _12_, because when I woke up it is in front of our house. He must have brought me home.” “But who.how did he know., where to bring you?”My voice broke. Gigi _13_ her head. Just then Gigi noticed Glorias picture. “Thats him!” she _14_ at the picture. “Mommy,thats the man who pulled me out of the car!” Gloria and I turned _15_.“Are you sure thats the man?” Gloria asked. “Yeah, thats him _16_ that he didnt have wings,and he was wearing blue jeans.”Later that night, the police found the _17_ kidnappers. When questioned, the driver remembered turning away to _18_ hitting a tall blond man.Twenty years have gone by. We have never heard from any one claiming to have _19_Gigi. There have been no logical explanations for her _20_. But from that day on, I believe that all experiences, positive and negative, are given to us for our strengthening and learning.本文讲述了一个遭到劫持的小女孩被神奇解救的事。1A. hardly B. hard C. fully D. full答案:A。当警察询问我的时候,我几乎说不出话来。hardly几乎不。2A. sympathize B. support C. comfort D. calm答案:C。我的朋友Gloria前来安慰我。comfort安慰,使(痛苦等)缓和。3A. a map B. a picture C. a bag D. a book答案:B。她拉着我的手并且给了我一张照片。从下句中的It was a picture of a little girl可知答案。4A. healthy B. sound C. reliable D. reasonable答案:B。那是一张一个小女孩在她床上熟睡的照片。sound(指睡眠)酣的,香甜的,不中断的,(指睡觉的人)酣睡的:be a sound sleeper睡得很沉的人;a sound nights sleep睡一夜好觉。5A. angel B. man C. maid D. servant答案:A。旁边站着一个高个子金发天使。从下文的空14,15,16处,尤其是空16处的“Yeah,thats him _16_ that he didnt have wings”可知答案。6A. phone B. door bell C. clock D. radio答案:A。我们在电话旁祈祷等待直到日落,电话一直没响。从上句中的We prayed and waited by the phone和本句中的rang可知答案。7A. yelled B. screamed C. whistled D. whispered答案:B。突然,前门开了。看到Gigi站在那里“我”尖声叫了起来。按照常理和逻辑等待失踪女儿消息的母亲,看到女儿突然出现在面前会惊奇地高声尖叫。scream(因恐惧、痛苦或兴奋)尖声喊叫,喊出;yell“号叫,喊叫,叫喊”虽具有一定的干扰性,但不如scream更符合语境。8A. cheeks B. shoulders C. arms D. hands答案:C。我哭喊着,用双臂环住她。空后的around her就是暗示。9A. rocky B. smooth C. hard D. flat答案:A。从行文逻辑看,rocky最符合语境。空后的Id never seen before.也是暗示。10A. in back of B. at the bottom of C. on the top of D. in front of答案:D。in front of“在前面”,符合语境。11A. shut B. fastened C. opened D. loosened答案:C。然后,那个人打开车门并且把我拉了出来。12A. rest B. sleep C. break D. yawn答案:B。从空12后的woke up可知此处应为“睡着”。13A. shook B. nodded C. rolled D. trembled答案:A。听到“我”的问话,Gigi因为不知答案就摇了摇头。14A. referred B. aimed C. pointed D. signaled答案:C。就在这时,Gigi注意到Gloria带给我的照片,她指着那张照片说“就是他!”point at指着。15A. sunburnt B. light C. weak D. pale答案:D。听了Gigi的话,Gloria和“我”脸色一下子变得煞白。16A. rather than B. including C. except D. other than答案:C。就是他,除了没有翅膀外一模一样,他还穿着蓝色的牛仔裤。17A. injured B. dead C. harmed D. hurt答案:A。那晚晚些时候警察发现了受伤的绑架者。从空11后的they ran off the road and hit a tree.可推出答案。18A. stop B. avoid C. forbid D. keep答案:B。那位司机在被讯问的时候说他记得为避免撞上一个高个子金发男人把车打了转向。avoid躲开,避开,避免。19A. released B. relieved C. delivered D. rescued答案:D。我们到现在为止从来没有听到任何一个人声称救过Gigi。rescue援救,营救,救出。20A. escape B. breakout C. disappearance D. flow答案:A。迄今对Gigi怎样逃脱魔爪也没有符合逻辑的解释。escape(从监禁、管制中)逃脱,逃走。*结束来源:学科网ZXXK (201*唐山联考)When I was a child, my mom was pushed me to study hard,1._hoping I could get a chance to go to college. I experience2._pressure for the first time. I did that my
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