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初中英语课例分析 地点:五亩一中 时间:2015年1月19日 授课人:薛娜娜班级:七(3) 课型:词汇及语法新课 【教学内容】七年级(上)Unit 5 Going shoppingVocabulary Grammar【教学重点】bookshop, clothes shop, electrical shop, shoe shop, sports shop, e-friend, centre, pay, lie, at present, at the moment, right now, study, visit, wait, turn, tonight, stay, video, hear【教学难点】there be,the Present Continuous Tense【教材处理】补充相关练习【教学方法】先用实物展示的方法复习引入所需词汇,介绍引入there be结构,再用会话的形式引入现在进行时态。【教学过程】. Warm-up Ask the student on duty to give a free talk.【评析】本单元的听说读写活动都围绕谈论事物所处的位置展开,前两节课以听说为主引入了这个话题,本节课先以说的形式进行讨论,然后介绍重点词汇。每节语言课都离不开“说”,因此教师要千方百计为学生创造“说”的情境,恰当引导学生复习,生成新知。雷老师做到了。. Vocabulary 1 Ask the students what shops they know, and list the names of the shops. e.g. bookshop, electrical shop, shoe shop, sports shop, clothes shopAsk the students to write the names under the pictures(Page 75). Language points: shoe shop, girl student(s), banana tree(s) a man/woman teacher-two men/women teachers2 there is/are + n.+ somewhere.We use there be to introduce new things.e.g. There are 43 students in Class 2, Grade 7. There isnt any homework to do today. Are there any books on the shelf? Yes, there are.【评析】教师给学生充足的时间带着“画”的任务阅读,再通过提问检查学生读的情况,然后理解关键词汇运用,通过让学生翻译该句子、教师举例、学生造句的方法教授该词。Grammar:1 the Present Continuous TenseWe use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about thingsthat are happening now.Iam (not)reading now.She/He/Itis (not)You/We/Theyare (not)AmIreading now?Yes,/No,Iam./ am not.Isshe/he/itshe/he/itis./isnt.Areyou/we/theyyou/we/theyare./arent.【评析】教师一边让学生做动作一边写下现在进行时的结构”,当学生领会了教师的意图后,就会用此结构进行练习;通过做动作学生亲自体会词意比教师讲解理解到位,更能留下深刻印象。在教学动词时我们可以尝试这种让学生参与的方法。2. Personal pronouns (Object form)We use Personal pronouns to replace nouns for people/things when it is clear who or what we are referring to.SingularPluralSubject formIyouhesheitweyoutheyObject formmeyouhimheritusyouthemLanguage points:1. Millie is paying for her new shoes.pay for sth 2lie-lying e.g. The old man is lying in bed.3Are you studying at the moment?at the moment=at present=right now=now4I am waiting for my turn. wait for ones turn Its ones turn to do sth.5She plays with him every night.play with sb/sth【评析】从这里我们能体会到不要总是按部就班进行教材内容的妙处,教材各部分内容很多时候需要做好衔接,适当的取舍、补充是必要的。 Homework Ill have you translate some sentences by the Present Continuous Tense【需要探讨的方面】本节课教师的导入方法、时态,语法的教法都很好,尤其是教师对教材的理解把握到位;有助于培养他们的兴趣和提高能力是我们应该认真思考的。但是,本节课把语法和词汇放在一起教,使课堂的容量过大,学生的操练不到位。
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