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短文改错考点分析与练习实验中学 谢冬梅Step 1:Leading in 考点考法顺口溜A Doggerel介冠连符号to,可能增加和删除;增加人称和物主 ,可能删除副和助。动词形,名词数,代冠介数连词性误,常用词,要辨析,还有其他比较级。Step 2:Analyzing the test points1. 八种情况,可能增删(6增6减)连、冠、介, (不定式)符号to,可能增加和删除;增加人称(代词)和物主(代词) ,可能删除副和助。(1)连冠介,符号to,可能增加和删除。 连词:(2014全国卷)Alhough we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year,but we have never had any disease or insect attack problems.(2013全国卷)He had a deep voice, which set him apart from others in our small town, he was strong and powerful. 冠词:(2014全国卷) My dream school looks like a big garden.There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings.(2010大纲卷)Last year,she decided to study abroad.In other words,we would be separated for long time. 介词:(2009大纲卷)Im sorry that I wasnt able to return to your bike on time yesterday.(2010大纲卷)From then on,weve kept touch with each other through e-mails. 符号to:(2012课标卷) I could make my toys to last. Li Ming came see me every month. (2) 增加人称代词和物主代词。人称代词:(2016全国卷)At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help.物主代词:(2012大纲卷)Im writing to tell you opinion about water saving.(3) 可能删除副词和助动词。副词:(2017全国卷)I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. 助动词:(2015全国卷) Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem.(变被动为主动) 注:需要增删的8个考点也可这样记:介连冠,符号to,人称物主和副助。2. 十一情况,考虑修改动词形,名词数,连、冠、介、代、数,再加词性误;常用词,要辨析,还有其他比较级。(1) 动词形,名词数。动词形:无论是谓语动词还是非谓语动词,动词错误就是原形、一般现在时、第三人称单数形式、一般过去时、现在分词、过去分词、动名词等动词形式的错误。如: (2013全国卷)She used to hold me on her knees and sing old songs. I was only four when she passes away.(2013全国卷)Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles.He is quite pleasing with the desigh of the dress.名词数:主要考查单复数的错误。如:We write to each other all the times.(2011全国课标卷)When I finally arrived at my friend he lent me lots of clothes.(2)连冠介代数,再加词性误。连词:(2015全国I卷) In the countryside, the air is clean or the mountains are green. 冠词:We may be one family and live under a same roof.介词:He called on Jenny on the hope of getting help from her. 代词:(2011年大纲I卷) Nang is a special kind of cake in Xinjiang. I like them very much. 数词:(2017全国卷)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons.词性误:考得最多的是形容词与副词的混用。如:If you are a driver, youd better be more carefully when you are driving.(2016全国卷) My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. (2013全国II卷) Interesting, it had a connection to the British porcelain (瓷器) industry. (3) 常用词,要辨析。(2016全国卷) It does not cost many, yet we can still learn a lot.(4) 还有其他比较级。其他:主要指anything与everything, somewhere与everywhere等。如:(2014全国卷)Since thenfor all these yearswe have been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. As a result, the plants are growing somewhere.(2013全国卷)She is just a distant memory for me now. I remember my grandfather very much.比较等级:指形容词和副词的原级、比较级、最高级之间的误用。如:(2016全国卷) They were also the best and worse years in my life.(2012课标卷) I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little aggressive. (2009大纲卷) The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop across the street from our middle school are gone.Step 3:PracticeLiving without an aim is like sailing without compass. If there is no aim in our lives, we will get lose. Last term, I couldnt accept the truth which I failed in my math examination. I decided to give it up, so I skipped from classes frequently. Considered my case, my teacher offered me several detailed approach and advised me to set a short-term goal to improve my math. Finally, I work harder than ever and made great progress in her math. In my opinion, success lies in a series of goals. However, we should remember to make our targets clearly and spare no effort to realize our dreams.Step 4:Homework1.Review the lesson after class and remember the test points.2.Finish Ex1 and2 on Page 139.
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