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2021年北京市春季普通高中会考英语试卷听力局部略单项选择21. You may find_ astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak.A. one B. this C. that D. it22. I had a good time at school and left _ some good memories A. with B. for C. from D. in23. Auckland is called the city of sails because it has _ boats than anywhere else in the world.A. more B. many C. much D. most24._computer is the most important invention of_ twentieth century.A. A, the B. the, the C. the,/ D. A, /25. He was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder, _ he got into trouble.A. where B. that C. during which D. for which26. its nearly time for class to start. The teacher _be here soon.A. can B. should C. shall D. need27. Marie Logan likes designing solar racing cars. She _ five or six different cars so far.A. designs B. will design C. has designed D. is designing28. Millions of people all over China _ TV when the spaceship returned and landed safely.A. are watching B. had watched C. watch D. were watching29. Every year in September or October, the Mid-Autumn Festival _ by the Chinese people all over the world.A. is celebrated B. celebrated C. celebrates D. was celebrated 30. The National Park, _ with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow.A. covering B. covered C. being covered D. having covered31. Im very interested in China and its my dream _ the Great Wall one day.A. seen B. seeing C. see D. to see32. China is famous for many different types of folk dances, _the dragon dance and the lion dance.A. included B. to include C. including D. being included33. Tour IQ tells you how intelligent you are, _ your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligence.A. so B. for C. while D. or34. Anne asked Jim _ she could borrow a pen from him.A. who B. what C. which D. whether35. Always keep a first-aid kit in your home-just _ there is an accident.A. in case B. so that C. as though D. even if完型My Fathers son Its hard being an astronauts son. Everybody expects you to be 36 .Im just an average eleven-years-old kid. My father is so good at everything. I often wonder 37 my father ever had a son like me . One morning my teacher announced a 38 Day essay contest(竞赛)for the whole school. What would I 39 ?My father is an astronaut: I would start out with that. No, I decided I wouldnt do that. The whole country and maybe even the whole 40 saw my father as an astronaut, 41 that wasnt the way I saw him. How did I 42 my father? Hmm I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I was little and had a nightmare. I saw him teaching me how to throw a baseball. I remembered him hugging me for hours when my dog was killed by a car. And I remembered how he 43 me with a new little dog at my eighth birthday party. These were the things I was going to write about my dad. To me, he wasnt 44 a world-famous astronaut, He was my dad. On Thursday night the winning essays would be 45 in the hall with all the parents and students present. I hadnt shown Dad the essay, and now I almost 46 I wouldnt win. When the third prize was announced and it wasnt me, I was 47 and disappointed at the same time. Then the second prize. It was me! I went up to the stage and read my essay My fathers Son.I watched my parents as I read. When I finished reading, the audience applauded. I saw me father 48 his nose. Tears were running down my mothers face. Dad cleared his throat, and put his hand on my shoulder,Son, this is the proudest moment of my life. It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe Ill 49 be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but just then, it was 50 just to be my fathers son.36. A. perfect37. A. when38. A. Childrens39. A. write40. A. school41. A. but42. A. care43. A. frightened44. A. simply45. A. edited46. A. knew47. A. embarrassed48. A. holding49. A. ever50. A. naturalB. happyB. howB. MotherB. takeB. familyB. andB. seeB. confusedB. reallyB. readB. acceptedB. amazedB. breakingB. stillB. enoughC. tallC. whereC. TeachersC. sendC. cityC. soC. helpC. surprisedC. certainlyC. electedC. hopedC. regretfulC. blowingC. evenC. fairD. lovelyD. whetherD. FathersD. makeD. worldD. forD. askD. tiredD. clearlyD. publishedD. guessedD. relievedD. pickling D. neverD. wise阅读AHi! Im Sylvie from Toulouse in France. Im 14 years old and Ive got a twelve-year-old sister called Camille. I love going to pop music concerts and playing tennis with my friends .Im interest
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