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答案听力1-20 ABAAC BCBBC ABCCA BBCAC阅读21-40 DDDBA BDCDB ACCAB ECGDA完型41-60 BABCD CACAB DCCCA BDABD语法填空61.to 62.to arrive 63.on 64.delivered 65.influential 66.writes 67.how 68.their 69.a 70. managed 改错I start working at Pizza Hut in December 1989, where I was a freshman in a high school. Parents started when in my small western Colorado town encouraged teenagers work in the service industry after toschool and in weekends. Many of my closest friends also worked at Pizza Hut, Some of my best on/at Muchmemories was made under that red roof. All new employees started by wash dishes and busing were washingtables. If they proved their abilities to do something well in difficultly circumstances, they would ability difficultlearn to make pizzas, to cut and serve for them on wooden paddles, and to take orders.书面表达Dear Peter,Thanksgiving is drawing near! I am writing to express my thanks to you.Its been almost two months since you returned to America. I miss you a lot. Without your help, I would not have achieved much in learning English last year. Meanwhile, you offered too much encouragement while I was in low spirits. Thanks to your help, I became more confident and spent more time reading English. The efforts paid off and now English is my favorite subject. Thank you for entering my world and I will always remember what you have done for me. Wish you all the best. Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案详解第三部分 阅读理解 A【解题导语】本文是一则应用文; 主要对参加夏日摄影比赛的方法、要求以及相应条款加以介绍。21 D【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】文章的第一句We are only a week into our Summer Pix 16 contest 以及Keep the entries coming in: the contest runs for three more weeks推理可知摄影比赛仅仅开始一周,仍然可以投送参赛作品,因为比赛还要再持续三周。故此次摄影比赛总共持续4周。22D【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据第二段The photos must be taken this spring可知照片必须是今年春天拍摄的,故A项错误;文中RRP 549意为建议零售价格549欧元;不是549英镑;故B项错误; 从They can be taken with any kind of camera or phone可知参赛照片可以使用照相机,也可以使用手机拍摄;故C项不正确;D项意为“(组委会)不会对所有的参赛作品给予回复。”此句和第二段中最后一句相一致;故正确答案是D项。23D 【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据文中第一条款可知A项错误; 根据第二条款可知B项错误; 根据第三条款可知C项错误;根据第四条款可知D项正确。24B 【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据第六条款you grant The Irish Times a license to use your photograph for the purpose of promoting the competition可知你授权给The Irish Times,它可以出于宣传促销的目的使用你的照片,故正确答案是B项。【长难句解读】We are only a week into our Summer Pix 16 contest and already we have had hundreds of entries,as all over the country you try to capture the essence (精华)of summer in a photograph.句意:我们的夏日Pix 16 摄影比赛刚刚进行一周,当你在全国各地用相机去捕捉夏日精髓之时,我们已经收到了成百上千的参赛作品。本句中有and连接并列句,在后一个分句中,又包含了as引导的时间状语从句。B【解题导语】本文是一则说明文。曼布克奖(the Man Booker Prize)为当代英语小说界的最高奖项,本文主要对2019曼布克奖的评选情况加以介绍。25A【命题意图】考查词义推测。【解题思路】根据It所在句中的from 155 submissions中可推断此处it所指不是奖项本身、也不是裁判;再结合下文,可知10月25日才能获知最终的获胜者;故此处it指的是获奖大名单(longlist)。26B【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据第一段最后一句“It was chosen from 155 submissions published in the UK between 1 October 2019 and 30 September 2019”可知获奖大名单是从2019年10月1日至2019年9月30日之间在英国出版的155提交的照片中选拔出来的,故A项与事实不符;根据第三段“The novels in this list come from both established writers and new voices”可知入围的小说既有来自有名的作家也有来自新人的,故D项与事实不符;根据第二段“It is open to writers of any nationality,writing originally in English”,可知此奖是对任何国籍的作家,只要作品是用英语原创的都可参加评选;故C项与事实不符;B项为正确答案。27D 【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据第四段最后一句A.L. Kennedy was a judge for the prize in 2019, the year Graham Swift won with Last Orders可知2019年Graham Swift是以作品Last Orders而获奖的,当年A.L. Kennedy是这个奖项的裁判,故正确答案为D项。28C 【命题意图】考查细节理解。【解题思路】根据最后一段The 2019 winner will then be announced on Tuesday 25 October in Londons Guildhall可知2019曼布克奖获奖者将在10月25日周二被公布,故正确答案为C项。【长难句解读】A.L. Kennedy was a judge for the prize in 2019, the year Graham Swift won with Last Orders.句意:2019年Graham Swift是以作品Last Orders而获奖的,当年A.L. Kennedy是这个奖项的一个裁判。本句表示时间的名词the year是2019同位语,the year后是省略了关系副词when的定语从句,修饰名词the year。C 【解题导语】本文是一则故事。主要讲述了Larry Camerlin为什么要创办Angel(天使) Flight Northeast这一慈善组织的原因,通过这个组织的无私的飞行救助,使得众多病人得到了及时的医治。29D【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】根据第一段“What they need are flightsto some organ transplant, or to treat severe burns at medical centers far away from home”可知人们急需的是可以飞到离家较远的、能够进行器官移植或者治疗重度烧伤的医疗中心的航班,然后结合全文主题可知Angel(天使) Flight Northeast是个慈善组织,故可以推理出D项正确。30B【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】根据第三段“This great emotional wave hit me”可知这种情感波浪对Larry触动很大,这里的情感波浪指的就是上一句Larry阅读了一篇关于一个飞行员用飞机救助一个身患癌症的男童的故事所产生的情感。紧接着下一段则讲述了该组织的第一架救助飞机飞上蓝天执行任务,故可以推理出B项正确。31A 【命题意图】考查推理判断。【解题思路】从文中第二段“who pilots some trips himself while also overseeing scheduling, money-raising, and other administrative responsibilities”可知,Larry还从事调度、筹钱和其它行政事务等;故B项说Larry仅仅忙于自己的驾驶飞行工作,这与事实不符;文中最后一段“who donate their own time, planes”可知飞行员志愿者捐赠的不仅有汽油,还有他们的时间和飞机等,故C项错误;文中最后一段“Larrys crews on the ground, Earth Angels, drive patients to and from the airport”Larry地面上的成员Earth Angels主要负责开车护送病人往返飞机场,故D项也与事实不符。根据本文故事主题以及第二段最后一
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