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六年级第一学期牛津英语知识点梳理六年级第一学期牛津英语知识点梳理学校:彭浦三中 教师: 谈春萌Unit 9 Picnics are fun知识点梳理:(打* 的知识点仅供参考)II. 词性转换:1.funny (a.) 有趣的;可笑的fun (n.) 有趣的事e.g., This is the funniest thing that Ive ever heard. We had great fun in the Ocean Park this weekend.2.sweet (a.) 甜的sweets (n.) 糖果e.g., Children shouldnt eat sweets before going to bed. Its bad for their teeth. I dont like cola because its too sweet.3.salt (n.) 盐salty (a.) 咸的e.g., Why is the soup so salty? Too much salt is bad for our health.4.spice (n.) 辣;香料,调味料spicy (a.)辛辣的 = hote.g., The food is too spicy. I need some water.5.chilli (n.) 辣椒chillies(n.)辣椒(复数形式)e.g., Fried meat tastes very nice with chillies.6.taste (v.) 品尝;尝.的味道 (n.) 味道;味觉tasty (a.) 美味的 = delicious e.g., The steamed fish tastes delicious. I dont like the taste of this cheese. I like spicy sausage because theyre tasty.7.like (v.) 喜爱*dislike (v.) 不喜欢e.g., My mum likes eating Japanese food, but she dislikes Italian food. 8.shop (v.) 购物 (n.) 商店shopping (n.) 购物e.g., Kitty and her mum are writing a shopping list for the barbecue.9.total (n./ a.) 总计;合计totally (*):完全地;全部地;总计地e.g., What does the total come to? What was the total number of people at the meeting?III. 语言点/句型A. 语言点:1. fun (n.) 有趣的事*for fun: 当做玩笑 *full of fun: 充满乐趣have fun: 作乐,玩乐 *make fun of: 嘲弄,取笑What fun! 多么愉快e.g. The little dog is full of fun. Theres no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards.2. 表示单位的名词:a packet of / a bag of / a bottle of (1) a / an + 表示单位的名词+ of +可数名词的复数 e.g., a bag of apples (2) a / an + 表示单位的名词+ of +不可数名词 e.g., a bottle of jam *【注意】:这些表示单位的名词充当“量词”,使不可数名词变为“可数” e.g., How much does the milk cost? A carton of milk cost twenty two yuan. Two bottles of ink cost twenty yuan. *(3) 常见“表示数量的名词”: piece块张片件a piece of cakea piece of papera piece of breada piece of furniturebar条a bar of chocolate / soupslice片a slice of cakebottle瓶a bottle of inkcan / tin罐a can / tin of colacarton纸盒纸箱a carton of milka carton of eggsbowl碗a bowl of ricepacket小包小盒a packet of nutsa packet of sweetsbag袋a bag of rice3 some:一些(1) 一般用于肯定句中。(否定句和疑问句中多使用any)e.g., Kitty took some photos for the English club on the Open Day. I dont want any cola because its too sweet.(2) 疑问句为希望得到对方肯定的回答,使用some,而不用any。 e.g., Shall we buy some soft drinks? Would you like some spicy sausages? 4. too: 太; 过分的一般置于形容词和副词以前,予以修饰 e.g., She walks too slowly. I dont like the fish. Its too salty. .5. enough 足够的(1) enough + 名词:enough clothes / enough time / enough moneye.g., Have you got enough money?*(2) 形容词 / 副词 + enough: fast enough / tall enough / warm enough e.g., If you put on your coat, you will warm enough. He ran fast enough to get to school on time.6. need (1) 作为实义动词:need + 名词; need + to + 动词 e.g., They need twenty- four yuan from Mr. Black. We need to buy some food and drinks for the barbecue.He needs to see the doctor this afternoon. 否定句和疑问句,使用助动词do / does e.g., They dont need money from Mr. Lee. We dont need to go to the supermarket now. He doesnt need to see the doctor this afternoon.(2) 作为情态动词:need + 动词 e.g., He need do it again. You neednt finish your homework today. You can do it tomorrow.7 for / to 表示“为了”for + 名词/动名词:e.g., Lets go to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks for tomorrows picnic. Its time for class.to + 动词:e.g., Lets buy some jam to spread on the bread.Its time to have a class. B句型:1. Lets / Shall we.? 表示提出建议: Lets + 动词原形.e.g., Lets go to the park.Lets have a picnic there.Lets not ride our bikes. Its too cold outside.Lets not walk. We dont have enough time.Shall we + 动词原形?e.g., Shall we go to the park? Shall we have a picnic?Why not + 动词原形?e.g., Its a nice day. Why not go to the park?Why not have a picnic there?Why not write a shopping list?Why dont / doesnt + 主语 + 动词原形?e.g., Its a nice day. Why dont we go to the park? Why dont we have a picinic there?Why doesnt your brother come with us?How about / What about +动词-ing形式e.g., How about / What about going to the park?How about having a picnic?What about taking a bus? 对提出建议的一般回答:肯定回答:Thats a good idea. 否定回答:Id like to, but. (拒绝的理由) 【注意】:shall后面跟第一人称代词(we / I)。 e.g, Shall I carry the bag for you? 2. Why / because (1) Why: 表示“为什么” e.g., Why would you like to be a doctor? Why do you like oranges? Why dont you like lemons?(2) because 表示“因为”,引导原因状语从句 e.g., I would like to be a doctor because I want to make sick people
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