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SEST赛思英语思维转化训练什么是英语思维?英语思维就是英语的逻辑,英语母语人的逻辑、想法,说英语的人和说汉语的人思维方式差别很大?为什么很大? 因为世界观不同,看问题的角度不同,所以表达的角度也不同,我们来了解英语是世界观,看看他们为什么会那样讲。英语思维六大原理:一、活物原理:事物和人一样,都是活的。二、空间原理:灵活运用空间介词三、名词原理:英语的名词无所不能四、时间原理:英语把时间掰得又细又碎五、语感原理:英语的助动词能激活句子的语感六、结构原理:英语偏好独立结构 一、活物原理1.汉语是以人为中心的语言,通常把人或动物这种活物作为主体,基本上是人向物发出动作,物作为动作的承受方。英语里面,人、动物、死物都是有生命的,都平等作为主体,人可以向物发出动作,物也向人发出动作。The pain attacked me on and on.A red sign gives a warning.The dinner menu presents a wide choice of dishes.This restaurant serves a variety of soups.Our school provides students with free lunches.The year 2008 saw the publication of this book. 2008年见证了这本书的出版Years of experience bring wisdom. 阅历带来智慧。A 10-minute walk brought Susan to the school.A 2-minute ride got me to the school.The map says to turn right.The sign says “Keep Out”. 禁止靠近It costs me $10.This street will lead you to the station.A yellow sign gives information about a road.The hotel sleeps 300 guests.Cheese often upsets Susans stomach.What brings you here?What took you so long? 怎么这么晚?What led you to this conclusion?An hours walk will get you to my home.The sun gives us light and warmth.My watch says 4 oclock.The graph will tell you everything you want to know.2.英语喜欢及物动词及物动词:后面可以跟宾语的动词汉语以人为中心发出动作,动词很强大,喜欢用不及物动词。汉语 昨晚我睡得很好 中国式英语 I slept well last night. 主语+不及物动词英语里面,人和事物都是平等的,所以在表达的时候喜欢把人和事物都拉进句子里,所以只有用及物动词才会有宾语(事物对象)出现啊!英语 I had a good sleep last night. 主语+及物动词+宾语Tom has a temperature.Tom has red eyes.Iv got a cold. 汉语则是我感冒了,感冒做不及物动词用John gives Jane a kiss every morning. =John kisses Jane every morning. 把kiss 作为一个东西giveJohn gave Susan a big hug at bedtime.Please give hugs and kisses to everyone.Make a left turn. 请往左边转Take a break. Get some sleep.Tom has a class at 9 in the morning.Maria has low blood pressure.Tom cut himself and lost a lot of blood.This room has a beautiful view.Dont make a sound. We cant get channel 6 in this area.John had a good time with Tom on Sunday.3. 超级动词have英语喜欢及物动词,及物动词喜欢have,have的意思非常广泛,别以为have的意思就是拥有。I have a sore throat. 嗓子痛I have very thin hair. 我头发稀少.David has big ears.John had a bloody nose yesterday.John has a stuffed nose.=Johns nose is blocked.Tom has a tooth missing. Tom掉了一颗牙Get也是超级动词,用途超级广,别以为get就是得到的意思Jane got a haircut yesterday.=Jane had her hair cut yesterday.I have crust in my eyes. I have inflamed tonsils. 我的扁桃体肿了。I got plastic surgery. 我做了整容手术Youve got the wrong number.Jane has smooth skin.John has broad shoulders.Johns house has central heating.He got a bad temper.David got big hands.Jane got a perm. Jane烫了头发John has a runny nose.Toms got no imagination. Tom缺乏想象力She has very beautiful eyes. .4. 当你不知道一个动词怎么说的时候,尝试用have get take put give汉语动词用法非常严格,一个动词代表一个精准的动作,英语中这几个动词的应用非常宽泛,我们称为基本动词。Susan gave me a big smile.Take a deep breath.John took his fathers blood pressure every day. 替代measureDavid takes medicine for his heart problem.Tome gave me a send-off at the airport.John put his arms around Janes shoulders. John把胳膊放在Jane的肩膀上Jane has Johns arms around her waist.Maria opened the window and took a breath of fresh air.After our quarrel, Jane gave me the cold shoulder.拌嘴后,Jane对我很是冷淡Lets give Tom a big hand. 让我们为Tom 热情鼓掌。Take care. 慢走,再见Take your time.John put all his time and effort into taking care of his family.Jane gave me a rider.Jane takes Tom to school by car.My boss put more pressure on me to work hard.Tom likes taking pictures of Susan. Jane is going to give you a send-off.John put his arms around Janess shoulders and gave her a squeeze.将她紧紧抱住5. 基本动词make英语里面,人和事物地位平等,那么表现人和事物的名词自然使用频率比较高。have take get make + 名词的形式无处不在, 你能看懂,但是你千万别去翻译,翻译出来就变味了。John made a high jump.Jane made a reservation for my birthday.Tom has a swim every day after school.Tome quickly made a lot of progress at swimming.Jane and I took a long walk around the swimming pool.Susan had a chat with Jane over lunch.Susan had a long talk with Jane last night.Take a careful look at the photos.John made a short speech.Tom takes a cold shower every morning.She had twins last week.David took a trip last week.We had a long wait for Tom yesterday.Susan also wants to take a swim after school.Tom made a funny face behind Susans back.Tom made a great effort to improve his Korean.Tom made good progress in learning Korean.Jane took a positive attitude on Susans wish.Susan will make a big smile for joy when she hears the news.John took a short walk to take a day-trip to seaside. 二、空间原理1.英语是形象化的语言,怎样才算形象呢? 你能感知方向,身临其境就是形象。英语经常用 空间介词 be+空间介词来表示状态Tom is on the line.David is on medication these days.Tom is on his way home.Susan was on edge at the dentists office. Be on edge 紧张Tom was also on p
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