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Unit8Whats your dream?Lets talk 陈艳本单元的教学内容是以梦想为主要话题。通过对职业的复习,引入对新课的讲授,让学生展望未来、畅谈理想,在学习语言知识的同时,努力帮助学生形成积极的情感态度,树立健康的人生观,并鼓励他们为实现理想而奋斗,要求学生熟记本单元的新授词汇,能理解并熟练使用本单元的功能句进行对话。Learning aims(知识目标)教学重点1.Can say、read、write:become a tour guide, travel around the world, land on the moon, go to college, join the National Team, study the stars.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:-What is your dream?- I want/ hope to be a/anand-Did you have a dream when you were young?-Yes. I wanted /hoped to be a /anand教学难点1. 能用英语真实的表达自己的梦想。2. -Did you have a dream when you were young?I will study hard from now on.Its difficult to come true.情感目标1.引导学生从小树立远大的理想,并努力为之奋斗,具备明确的学习目标。2.培养学生的自信心,鼓励其大胆、真实的表达想法。3.引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。年级六年级科目英语课题Unit8Whats your dream?(2)主备人陈艳使用者班级一班学生学习目标1.能听懂并理解Lets talk部分的对话内容。2.能流畅朗读对话,并能在相关情景中熟练运用功能句。学习重难点能运用What is your dream?- I want/ hope to be a/anand-Did you have a dream when you were young?-Yes. I wanted /hoped to be a /anand进行理想对话。 学生自主学习,合作探究课堂同步导案Step 1 lead in and review Guess “whats my dream ”【自主学习】(Self-learning )talk about your dreams with your parter 1.T:What is your dream? S:I want/ hope to be a/anand2.One by one practice.(a reporter interview)3.review the phrases Step 2 . Learn to say “Lets talk.”Listen to the tape.Answer the questions. Whats Wu Chens dream?Whats Wu Chens her fathers dream?.组内充分读“Lets talk.”.Practise in pairs.Showing.( 组与组,生与生)积极展示,比赛读课文. key points 3. -Did you have a dream when you were young?I will study hard from now on.Its difficult to come true.Step 3 合作探究(group-work).Listen again and finish the blanks. Wu Chens father wanted to_ and_, but he is a _now. Its _to come true. We should study _ from now on.Step 4 Play a game Guess “ Whose dream is it ?”Step 5 课堂检测1. I want to be a_(science) 2. That_(sound) great.3. I am a_(work)now. Step 6 Home work (1) 熟读本课课文完成练习册用所学内容给身边的好友介绍自己的理想
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