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【英语专项训练】There be句型综合训练(一)一、用there is/was或there are/were完成句子。1.three children in the room_2.a class yesterday_3.stories in the newspaper_4.beautiful stamps on the envelope_5.a road through the forest_6.a good English teacher in the school_二、将下列句子改为否定句。7.There are some melons in the field._8. There is a teachers desk and some students desks in the room._9. There are a few butterflies flying over the flowers._10. There is a little milk in the bottle._11. There are some eggs in the box._三、将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并按提示回答。12. There are some cats sitting under the tree. (yes)_13. There is some food in the kitchen. (no)_14. There are some sheep drinking near the river. (yes)_15. There was only one man at home. (no)_16. There is enough time to finish the work. (yes)_四、根据要求改写下列句子。17. There are two teams in the school this year.(改为单数句)_18. There is a full bag of flour in the kitchen.(用rice改为选择疑问句)_19. There are a lot of chicks in the truck.(对划线部分提问)_20. There is a lovely kite flying in the sky.(改为反意疑问句)_21. There is a new art book in the library.(改为复数句)_五、根据实际情况及提示回答问题。22. Whats in the sky?(几朵白云)23. Whats for dinner?(一碗饭和几个鸡蛋)24. How many minutes are there in an hour?25. Are there many tigers or cats lying by the river?(老虎)26. There arent many computers in the school, are there?(有)六、阅读短文,并根据所给提示填空。27 _(有)many children and teachers in our school. They work hard everyday. Teachers in our school 28_(很忙碌)They 29_(工作)from eight oclock to five oclock every day. 30 _(有)five stories in our classroom building. Every classroom 31_(有)a little library. 32 _(有)some books in this library. We can 33_(读)these books after class. We 34 _(很高兴)every day.第 页
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