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外研版初二英语下册第一模块Unit 1 Do you collect anything?教学设计方案教 学 设 计课题 Module1Hobbies Unit 1 Do you collect anything?课型 Listening and vocabulary 第 1 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 1.Grasp the four skills of the words. 2.Grasp the useful expressions in this unit. 3. To elicit information about hobbies from the conversations.能力目标 Talk about hobbies freely.情感目标 Get the students to enjoy their hobbies and life. 内容 分析 重 点 The words, useful expressions and the grammar. 难 点 The usage of the new structures关 键 点 The words, phrases.教法学法 Taskbased approach and communication approach. 教具 学具 Multimedia, a CD, some objects.教学程 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Class opening 1. Greeting.2.Duty reportStep 1. Lead in. Step 2 Learn the new words Step 3 ListeningStep 4. Listen and read. Step5. Read and actStep 6. Pronunciation and speaking Step7: Language pointsStep 8. WritingStep 9. Homework. The teacher shows a box of stamps and says:” what are these?” “Yes, they are stamps, I collect stamps. Do you collect anything? Today well learn Module 1 Unit 1 Do you collect anything?Ask the students look at the video and read after it, knowing their meaning.First talk about the picture.Listen to the video and complete the chart.Share the answers in groups.Listen again and answer the questions.Listen to the video and write notes.Listen again and check.Read the dialogue freely and compete the sentences in Activity 5 Ask the students to read the dialogue in group of three. And ask some groups to act it out. Make sure that they act lively with actions.Listen to the tape and repeat the sentences after the tape and explain intonation. Let the students listen to the video and make some sentences with the phrases. Ask the students to write a passage about their hobbies. Then present freely.Practice the dialogue after class.3分钟5分钟5分钟5分钟8分钟3分钟8分钟8分钟教学后记本节课充分利用了外研社配套光盘和名师对课文要点的剖析等资源实现了优质资源共享的目的。学生在听、说、读、写中能力得到了提高。外研版初二英语下册第一模块Unit 1 Do you collect anything?课 堂 结 构 流 程 图观看光盘学习单词教师操作引入观看光盘教师操作Parts1 and 2听对话,完成练习,教师操作Part 3 and 4观看光盘听对话填表布置任务Part 5读对话完成句子布置任务Part 3读对话表演教师操作观看光盘识记语言点造句布置写作任务写作,展示布 置 作 业开始课 堂 结 构 流 程 图图例:媒体应用教材内容与教师活动学生活动
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