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连站中学集体备课专用稿纸年级:九年级 科 目:英语 主备人: 齐静 时 间: 年 月 日课题9B Unit 2 Great people地点召集人The tenth periodTask课时 课时(总第 课时)科 任教 师教学目标知识与能力: 完成一篇介绍人物的文章。过程与方法:读懂有关袁隆平的笔记,了解他的贡献。 情感态度价值观:完成一篇介绍人物的文章,尽可能表达自己对名人的看法和情感。 重难点重点:能够用英语表达袁隆平对农业的贡献。 难点:掌握本单元有用的表达。 教学过程设计讨论记录Step 1 Leadin 1,Show some pictures of preat people ,Then ask: Do you remember all these great people? Why did they do? Do you admire him/her?2,So far ,were learnt about several famous people Such as: Neile Armstrong and Marie Curie Today well get to know another great people -Yuan Longping. Have yopu ever heard of him before?学生只要回答 yes or no.Step 2 Presentation 1,Say :Army wants to write about Youan Longping.Hes a nice scientist.She has found some information and has made some notes.It is helpful to collect some information and make notes before you start writing. 2,Tell the students:Army 记录了袁隆平一生中的重要事件。而且是按照时间顺序排列的。 3,阅读Army的笔记后相互提问:e,g (1)When was Yuan Longping born?(2)What did he do after graduating from college?(3)Why did he begin research into hybrid rice?(4)Which country was the new type of hybrid rice introduced into in 1979?(5)Why does Army admire him?Step 3 Practice1, Complete the article in Part Bon Page 33.2,Discuss Part B on Page 33.Main idea:Paragraph 1 Name and titleParagraph 2 Major events and contributtionsParagraph 3 Why people admire him3,帮助学生熟练运用一些重要表达:e,g One of the greatest people that have ever lived .Spend allhis life on the research and development .That is why Iadmire him so much.Step 4 Writing 介绍一位名人最好是本单元没提及,没有详细介绍过的名人。写出那些值得崇拜和学习的地方。表达对该名人的看法和情感。Step 5 Homework 1,写一篇有关名人的文章。 2,记忆本单元出现的词汇,词组和句型。 板 书 设 计教 学 反 思
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