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国开04009商务英语1任务6参考答案说明:如果课程题目是随机的,请按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案题目1: What if he still doesnt pay up? : If its a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we; Ive got to hurry.; I have already done that.标准答案:If its a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we题目2: The senior managers need the results from last month straight away, so I cant stop to talk. Ive got to hurry. : Go slowly.; Stay longer.; Ok, see you later.标准答案:Ok, see you later.题目3: Hello, Sally. Whats the matter with you? You look worried. : What shall I do if a customer doesnt pay up on the due date?; Yeah, thats true. It requires great attention.; Dont mention it.标准答案:What shall I do if a customer doesnt pay up on the due date?题目4:He didnt seem to any actions.: make; do; take标准答案:take题目5: your check is received within a week we shall have no alternative.: Unless; As; If标准答案:Unless题目6:二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。_Dear Sirs,_Account No.8756_1. A; B; C; D; E2. A; B; C; D; E3.A; B; C; D; E4.A; B; C; D; E5.A; B; C; D; EA. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this account, please contact our office as soon as possible.B. Regards,LilyC. Please note that your account No.8756 was already a month overdue. As you are usually very prompt in settling your accounts, we wonder whether there is any special reason.D. If payment has recently been made, please accept our thanks and ignore this reminder.E. We think you may not have received the statement of account we sent you on August 30 showing the balance of US$ 80,000 you owe. We are sending you a copy and hope it may have your early attention.标准答案:子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:E; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:D; 子问题 5:B题目7: You need to work with other colleagues to look after that. : Oh, sorry to bother you.; Thanks.Im grateful for your suggestions.; Im not sure.标准答案:Thanks.Im grateful for your suggestions.题目8: Sally, could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working. : No, I cant.; It doesnt matter.; Sure, why do you need it?标准答案:Sure, why do you need it?题目9: What if he still doesnt pay up? : If its a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we; I have already done that.; Ive got to hurry.标准答案:If its a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we题目10:After that, we have to post letters.: a set of; a lot of; a series of标准答案:a series of题目11:A week ago, I sent him a statement the amount overdue.: showed; show; showing标准答案:showing题目12:二、完形填空:阅读下面短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的恰当选项。PURPOSE OF ACCOUNTINGEvery company has an accounting office or a finance department that looks A; B; Cits accounting details. An accounting department is the backbone(脊梁)of every business. It records all the business transactions(交易), and keeps a track(记录) of the incomes(收入) and expenses(支出)of the business. The accounting department also helps to determine the correct financial position and standing of the business. For a systematic(系统的)and A; B; Crecording of transactions, accounting is important.The purpose of accounting is recording all the transactions honestly and accurately in the “Books of Accounts(账本)”. The accounting process can be defined A; B; C“the process that begins when the transaction takes place and ends A; B; Cthe transaction is recorded in the books of accounts”. It includes a series of steps that A; B; Cto analyze(分析)and record the business transactions for a particular period.1. A. for B. after C. up2. A. accurate B. simple C. correct3. A. to B. at C. as4. A. when B. which C. what5. A. use B. is used C. uses标准答案:子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:A; 子问题 3:B; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:A题目13: Sally, could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working. : No, I cant.; Sure, why do you need it?; It doesnt matter.标准答案:Sure, why do you need it?题目14: Hello, Sally. Whats the matter with you? You look worried. : Yeah, thats true. It requires great attention.; Dont mention it.; What shall I do if a customer doesnt pay up on the due date?标准答案:What shall I do if a customer doesnt pay up on the due date?题目15: You need to work
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