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前厅部FRONT OFFICE部门 /区域:FD接待处DEPARTMENT/ AREA:FDRECEPTION服务内容 /工作职责:FD-SOP-037现金制度SERVICE/ TASK:FD-SOP-037CASH POLICY若发生现金押金的客人未通知就离店,也能保证酒店不受损失标准:To limit the liability of the hotel if a cash paying guest leavesSTANDARD:the hotel without checking out at the reception desk.来宾期望工作职责工作标准Guest expectationWhat to do?Standard of Performance亲切友好、迅速、高效确保自己了解任何支? 用现金、旅行支票或外汇付款的服务付方式的细节A friendly prOmpt andEnsure that you的来宾必须支付每晚房费押efficient serviceunderstand the金,另外交纳一定数额杂费押details if any payment金。收取押金公式: 房费 *天数*1.5 倍=预收房费Cash, traveller s checks orforeign currency paying guestsmust pay a deposit of theentire room rate for each nightplus a specified amount forincidentals for each night.?假如来宾的现金不足以支付入住的所有费用,报告主管If the guest does not havesufficient cash to cover theentire stay contact yoursupervisor1 / 2清晰简明的信息告知来宾酒店现金制Clear and concise度informationInform the guestabout the hotel scash policy? 收到押金后,填写押金收据条给来宾After deposit paid print a copy for the guest? 假如没有支付杂费的足够现金,在不可挂房帐区输入 Y,则其他消费不能挂房帐If there is not sufficient cashfor incidentals “ Y” is placed to no post field making charges through micros impossible.? 在 Fidelio 系统中输入 O,进入预授权界面,准确查看客人押金状况To be able to run credit checkaccurately place “ O” in the authorization field in Fidelio.? 通知所有经营场所Inform all the outlets2 / 2
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