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Unit5 Lesson3课时训练一、选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. pencilB. rulerC. skirt( ) 2. A. catB. hillC. lake( ) 3. A. flowerB. grassC. teacher( ) 4. A. underB. inC. does二、逛公园。(在公园中看到哪些事物?在其英语名下面画“”)beelakeboatgirlflowertreehillbirdrabbitgrass三、把下列字母组合成单词。1. u r l e r _2. o b t a _3. g s a r s _4. n e u q e _四、给下列图片选择合适的句子。A. The pencil is in the pencil case (铅笔盒).B. The girl is under the tree.C. The duck (鸭子) is on the lake.D. The book is on the desk.(1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _五、读句子,判断对错。( ) 1. Where Lily is?( ) 2. There are birds in the park.( ) 3. Shes my father.( ) 4. What are this?参考答案一、1-4 CACC二、略三、1. ruler 2. boat 3. grass 4. queen四、(1)-(4) ADBC五、1-4
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