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5B疾病类单词、语法复习 王鲍小学 吴春花一 教学目标:1. 复习并掌握 backache, headache,stomachache,toothache,earache,fever,cold,cough总结出词缀.2.能掌握询问病情句型: Whats wrong with you? Ive gotHow do you feel now? I feel 3.熟练运用打电话用语May I speak to ? Yes, this is speaking.Sorry, wrong number.二 教学重难点:正确运用单词和句子进行病情询问和电话用语交际,解决实际问题。一 Presentation 1. 学生抽纸条表演,其余学生猜单词:headache,earache,backache ,toothache ,stomach ache,fever, cough, cold。教师板书单词,并让学生总结ache词缀规律,归类记忆。Give the students three minutes to remember them.看图写单词(5B Unit5 B部分图片see the doctor): A has got . B has got .C has got . D has got . E has got . F has got . G has got . H has got .2询问病情日常交际用语。A:Whats the matter? = Whats wrong with you? (强调介词with后用宾语)B:Ive got . (元音字母a,e,i,o,u开头的单词前用an)A: Im sorry to hear that.A:How do you feel now? B: I feel A: I can get for you. B: Thank you.3.打电话用语如果你致电某人,你应说May I speak to 我可以和通话吗?如果你接听电话,对方就要找你,你应说Yes, this is speaking. 我就是。如果对方打错电话,你应说Sorry, wrong number.对不起,你打错了。你想知道对方是谁,你应说:Whos that? 你是谁? Is that .speaking? 你是吗?二 Progress一、单项选择。( )1 Whats wrong with you, Liu Tao?A Yes, I am. B Yes, I do. C Ive got a fever.( )2 How do you feel now, Gao Shan?A I feel tired. B Yes, I can. C I can get a chair for you.( )3 Hi, Su Yang, I can get some water for you.A Yes, I am. B I still feel ill. C Thank you.( )4 This is Su Yang _. A. saying B. speaking C. speak( )5 May I speak _ Su Yang? A. in B. to C. at( )6 Whats wrong with _? Hes got a headache. A. he B. his C. him( )7 当你听到别人得了重感冒时,你会说: A. Im sorry to hear that. B.I feel cold. C. Not bad.( )8 当你要问电话那端是不是Helen时,你会说: A. Are you Helen? B. Is that Helen speaking? C. Not bad.二.按要求改写句子。1. Whats wrong with you? (写同义句) _2. Ive got a bad cough. (把主语I改成she) _3. I feel cold. (对划线部分提问) _4.number wrong sorry (,)(.) (连词成句) _三阅读短文Helen: May I come in, doctor?Doctor: Come in and sit down, please. Helen: Thank you.Doctor: Whats the matter?Helen: Ive got a bad headache and a high fever.Doctor: Let me have a look.Helen: Doctor: OK, I see. Here are some medicine for you. Go home and go to bed now.Helen: Thank you, doctor根据短文内容判断正误,正确的用“”表示,错误的用“”表示。( )1. Helen is in the library now.( )2. Helen has got a bad headache and a high fever.( )3. The doctor gives a glass of water to Helen.( )4. The doctor wants Helen to have a good rest.( )5. Helen is going to school.
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