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教学资料参考范本幼儿园托班11月份英语教案 撰写人:_ 部 门:_ 时 间:_语言活动活动目标:1、 亲近英语,培养幼儿主动参与英语活动意识。2、 初步感知数字1到4的顺序及集合,暗示数量的增长。3、 通过整首儿歌的语感培养,幼儿初步理解儿歌内容(四只鸭宝宝的故事)。活动教具:鸭妈妈头饰或玩具各一个,鸭宝宝玩具四个。活动说明:1、 情景表演Act It Out教师戴鸭妈妈头饰扮成鸭妈妈,四处寻找鸭宝宝,边找边模仿小鸭子叫声quack, quack, quack教师将鸭宝宝一只一只地找到,将鸭宝宝放在一起数总和。Look, what is it? Yes, a duck. Im mommy duck. Where are my baby ducks? Quack, quack, quackOh, here they are. One little baby duckfour little baby ducks. Oh, all my baby ducks are here. Lets count them again. One, two three, four, four little baby ducks.2、 数一数Lets Count教师摘下头饰拿出鸭妈妈玩具,请幼儿来教鸭妈妈数数看有多少个鸭宝宝。教师先做点数示范,然后请个别幼儿到前面来点数。How many baby ducks? Mommy duck wants to count he babies. Ill help the mommy duck. One, four. Four little baby ducks. Who can help the mommy duck again?请全体幼儿一起来教鸭妈妈。Lets help the mommy duck. Ready? Lets count.3、 我们都是小鸭子 Were Baby Ducks教师戴头饰来扮演鸭妈妈,请四名幼儿扮演鸭宝宝。教师便唱本单元儿歌边带领鸭宝宝们在教室里排队学小鸭子摇摇摆摆得走路,唱完一遍后再换四名幼儿参与游戏。Now, Im the mommy duck, who wants to be the baby duck? One, two, three four, come here, my baby ducks. One little, two little come four little baby ducks. You may go home now, my baby ducks. Now, who wants to try?请全体幼儿都来扮演鸭宝宝,教师扮演鸭妈妈。鸭妈妈边唱儿歌边逐一点数鸭宝宝,点到谁谁就跟在鸭妈妈的身后一起走。教师唱歌的速度可以由快到慢,幼儿也要随着儿歌的节奏而走路加快脚步。Now, you are baby ducks, Im mommy duck. One little, two littlecome four little baby ducks.教师请全体鸭宝宝变成木头人不许动,教师边唱儿歌边点数鸭宝宝,点到的鸭宝宝要摇摇摆摆的走回家(回座位)Now, everyone, stand still just like me.(教师作示范)I will sing and count you. For example, when I count this boy, he will go back to his seat, just like this.(教师作示范动作)。请个别幼儿戴上鸭妈妈头饰来当鸭妈妈,教师边唱儿歌(也可播放磁带)协助幼儿数鸭宝宝。Who wants to be a mommy duck?教师与幼儿一起完成幼儿用书第21页,具体操作内容参看活动设计参考光盘。页码 / 总页数
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