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北京语言大学21春汉语写作离线作业2参考答案1. Choose from f j to match 26 3026. Could you send us a price list regarding your chromium plated domestic products?27. I appreciate your advice on some problems we are experiencing with the equipment we ordered from you 3 months ago.28. Would it be possible for you to arrange for us to see your products sometime this month?29. Mr Nick Adams of Aiko Corporation has referred us to you for information concerning his standing.30. The Stenogram is efficient , dependable , timesaving and economical.f. Excessive humidity can seriously affect the operation of the equipment.g. If it is possible. we should like to arrange a demonstration by the end of this month.h. For fjfty-two weeks in the year it works hard for you , without lunch breaks or holidays.i. We welcome the opportunity to report favorably on his company.j. Prices quoted are inclusive of transportation costs.2. 演讲既然带有一个“演”字,就说明它不是单纯的“讲”,而是带有某些“表演”的性质。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B3. 教案的编写过程,是个知识更新的过程。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B4. 外物积聚中的笔写不包括哪种形式?( )A.生活速记B.世界C.读书札记D.录音录像参考答案:D5. By the end of the year all but two people (leave) _.By the end of the year all but two people (leave) _.will have left由by引导的许多时间状语往往要求谓语部分为完成时态。如:by then,by now,by the end of,by the time that等,另外,由于句中时间状语by the end of the year意为“到今年年底时”,因此谓语部分只能用将来完成时。句意:到今年年底,将仅剩下两个人。6. 意见可用于上级机关对下级机关,也可以用于下级机关对上级机关,还可以用于平级机关相互行文。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A7. The cost of living is_in China.A. downB. cheapC. lowThe cost of living is_in China.A. downB. cheapC. low参考答案:C8. 鲁迅的祝福采用的叙述方式是( )。A.顺叙B.散文写作C.插叙D.平叙参考答案:B9. If places _ alike, there would be little need for geographers. A) being B) are C) beIf places _ alike, there would be little need for geographers.A) beingB) areC) beD) wereD此处是考察表现在情况的虚拟条件句,故从句中谓语动词用一般过去式。10. 关于积聚的说法不正确的是( )。A.积聚分为一般积聚、专门积聚和综合积聚三种B.立意C.学写作者必先学积聚D.积聚为精选内容、表达意图提供了有力的保证参考答案:A11. 体验者要想寻找、看见、捕捉、发现属于自己的东西,仅仅沉在生活底层,和对象打成一片并获得某种思想或感情的认同就足够了。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A12. What would you do if you had a11 the time in the world? ( )A. If I could find another- What would you do if you had a11 the time in the world? ( )A. If I could find another job , you know l d take it in a minute.B. I would spend two thirds of my time with those people who are in great need of help.C. I will travel to other countries and do everything I like.参考答案:B13. 时事述评的写作,对时事的叙述要把握全局,简洁概括,站得高,看得远。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B14. 从写作的实质出发,写作具有以下几个特点:( )A.综合性B.艰苦性表明只有辛苦思考才能写出好文章C.创造性D.规范性参考答案:ABCD15. 调查报告的作用主要有( )。A.如实地反映社会情况B.安排开头、层次和结尾C.及时地反映社会问题D.为报刊提供新闻材料参考答案:ABCD16. Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3措施。正确答案:Disposal products are gaining increasing popularity in China. Now they practically become part of our life: We have disposal chopsticks disposal cups disposal clothes disposal cameras. Indeed we are in throw-away society.rn However the wide use of the so-called convenience goods is extremely harmful in many ways. In the first place though man has achieved an unprecedented level of production our available resources are on the decline. If this trend continues the limited resources on earth will be exhausted soon. Furthermore disposal products cause serious pollution in our environment which is already threatened by our unhealthy life styles. It is reported that many scenic spots are losing their appeal because of white pollution caused by numerous plastic rice-boxes. Finally people are getting more extravagant than thrifty which is harmful to our social atmosphere. In fact in many developed countries disposal good are banned.rn More strict measures should be taken to prevent disposal products from widely using. People should be further educated to increase their awareness of conservation. Laws must be executed to ban the use. Most importantly new technology must be used to produce more recycle products.DisposalproductsaregainingincreasingpopularityinChina.Nowtheypracticallybecomepartofourlife:Wehavedisposalchopsticks,disposalcups,disposalclothes,disposalcameras.Indeedweareinthrow-awaysociety.However,thewideuseoftheso-calledconveniencegoodsisextremelyharmfulinmanyways.Inthefirstplace,thoughmanhasachievedanunprecedentedlevelofproduction,ouravailableresourcesareonthedecline.Ifthistrendcontinues,thelimitedresourcesonearthwillbeexhaustedsoon.Furthermore,disposalproductscauseseriouspollutioninourenvironmentwhichisalreadythreatenedbyourunhealthylifestyles.Itisreportedthatmanyscenicspotsarelosingtheirappealbecauseofwhitepollutioncausedbynumerousplasticrice-boxes.Finally,peoplearegettingmoreextravagantthanthrifty,whichisharmfultooursocialatmosphere.Infact,inmanydevelopedcountriesdisposa
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