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Unit 2 Great minds一:需背句子。1. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水 2. Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。3. To / In order to improve English, He thought of lots of good ways to study English . 4. If you dont work hard, you will let your parents down.5. It is very important for us to remember a lot of English vocabularies so youd better learn them by heart.7. As soon as the astronauts arrived the meeting room, we greeted them with warm applause. 宇航员们一到会场,我们就以热烈的掌声欢迎他们。7. Once you make a decision/ make up your mind to do sth., stick to it and never give up. 一旦你下定决心做某事, 坚持下来,永不放弃。二:难点全解1. Listen to a radio programme about some great minds.听一些关于伟人的广播节目。Mind在此用作可数名词,意为:聪明的,富有才智的人。William Shakespeare was a great mind. 莎士比亚是一位伟人。拓展:1)mind作名词,还可表示头脑,大脑,心思。Make up ones mind:下定决心 Change ones mind:改变主意2)mind可做动词,意为介意。 Mind+doing sth.Do you mind me smoking here?2. Many people consider Albert Einstein a genius. consider及物动词,意为“认为;觉得”。consider sb./ sth.(as) sth.意为“认为某人/某物是”。 英汉互译: 他认为自己是一个了不起的人。 _ They were considered as heroes. _ 另外,consider后还可接that从句。 He considered that we could do the work well. _ 拓展:consider 意为“考虑”,相当于think about, 其后可接名词、代词、动词-ing形式、从句 或“疑问词+不定式”作宾语。但其后不能接跟动词不定式作宾语。 例句:Youd better consider my suggestion. _ We are consider going to Hainan next year. ._ He has never considered how to solve the problem. _3. This story about him shows that he also had a sense of humour. sense 可数名词,意为“感觉;理解力;判断力”通常用单数。sense of humour (幽默感)。 张老师非常幽默。 Mr Zhang has a very good _ _ _. 她没有方向感。 She didnt have a _ _ _. humour 不可数名词,意为“幽默” I like such stories full of humour. 拓展:humorous 形容词,意为“滑稽有趣的;有幽默感的”。 He had a wide mouth and humorous eyes4. Einstein often received invitations to explain his theories at different universities. 辨析:receive 和acceptreceive指客观上“收到”,也可以表示“接待”和“遭受”accept用来表示主观上“接受”某人、“承认或赞同”某一看法或理论 一言变异:He received a gift but he didnt accept it.invitation名词,意为“邀请;请柬”。用法:后常接to sth.或to do sth.My father had an invitation to visit his friend in Beijing. 拓展:invite动词,意为“邀请”。常见用法有: invite sb. to.邀请某人去(某地/某一活动) 我们邀请高老师来参加我们的聚会。 _ invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事 他们邀请我和他们一起去上海。 _5. Its a pleasure to drive a genius like you , Dr Einstein. pleasure 在此用作可数名词,意为“乐事;快事”。Its a pleasure to do sth.表示“做某事是一件乐事” 辨析:pleasure, pleasant, pleasedpleasure可数名词乐事;快事不可数名词高兴;快乐;愉快,take pleasure in (doing) sth.意为“从做某事中获得乐趣”pleasant形容词令人愉快的;宜人的。通常修饰物pleased形容词高兴地;愉快的。be pleased with意为“对感到满意”;be pleased to do sth,意为“乐于做某事” 填词: Its a _ to hear from you. Reading bring me great _. What a _ trip! The mother were very _ with her two daughters. 6. I wish I could avoid giving my lecture tonight, Hans, but I dont want to let my audience down. avoid 动词,意为“避免;避开”。avoid doing sth. 意为“避免做某事”。另外,avoid还可 以接名词或代词作宾语。但avoid后不能接动词不定式作宾语。 We got up early to avoid missing the early bus. She tried to avoid all the problems. lecture 可数名词,意为“讲座;演讲”。give a lecture 意为“讲课;演讲”; attend a lecture意为“听讲座” 那位科学家给我们讲课了。 The scientist _ _ _to us. 你听了那个有关马克吐温的讲座了吗? Did you _ _ _ _ Mark Twain.? let sb. down意为“使/令某人失望”。 昨天她让我们大失所望。 _ 7so they wont find out区分 look for& find& find outlook for “寻找;寻求”强调过程; find “找到;发现”,强调结果;find out 表示经过调查、探听后发现.。试题: What are you _? Finally, they _ the lost child. At last, we _ who stole the watch. 8 .I ve listened to your lecture so many times that Ive learnt it by heart. so adjadv + that “如此.以至于”(用来修饰形容词或副词) so many/few +复数可数名词+ that 我犯了如此多的错误,以至于我没能通过这次考试。 so much/little + 不可数名词that 我有如此少的钱,以至于不能卖任何东西。 9.Thats such an easy question that even my driver can answer it. such +aan +adj +可数名词单数+that “如此.以至于”(用来修饰名词) = so +adj+aan +可数名词单数+that 他是如此聪明的一个男孩以至于每个人都喜欢他。 such +adj +复数可数名词+that 这些数学题如此难以至于我做不出来。 such +adj +不可数名词+that 这个工作如此艰巨以至于很少有人能按时完成。
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