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1. Gooddmorrninng(aafteernooon ,evveniing),siir (maddam).早上上好(下下午、晚晚上好),好好,先生生(夫人人)2. How do youu doo? (- howw doo yoou ddo ?)您好好!3. Helllo (or hi )!您好!4. How is eveerytthinng (witth yyou )?(您的的)一切切都好吗吗?5. How aree yoou ggetttingg onn ( or aloong ) tthesse ddayss ?这这几天过过得怎么么样?6. How aree yoou ? (- FFinee, tthannk yyou .annd yyou? )您您的身体体好吗?7. Gladd (nnicee ) to seee yoou .见到您您很高兴兴。8. Welccomee too ouur hhoteel. 欢迎到到我们的的酒店来来!9. Itss niice to meeet yyou agaain , Mr. Joohnsson .再次次见到您您太好了了,约翰翰逊先生生。10. Goodd byee.(oor bbye-byee)再见见!11. Goodd niightt.晚安(晚晚间告别别用)12. Havee a goood rrestt.祝您休休息好!13. See youu laaterr (ttomoorroow).以后(明明天)见见!14. Hopee too seee yyou agaain sooon.希希望不久久再见到到您!15. Havee a goood ttimee.祝您您过得愉愉快!16. We wwishh yoou aa plleassantt sttay in ourr hootell.愿您您在我们们饭店过过得愉快快!17. Pleaase donnt lleavve aanytthinng bbehiind.请不要要遗忘你你的东西西。18. Mindd (oor wwatcch) youur sstepp!请走好好!19. We wwishh yoou aa plleassantt joournney.祝您旅旅途愉快快!20. Havee a nicce ttripp! 一路平平安!21. All thee beest!万事如如意。22. Takee caare!多保重重!23. Goodd luuck!祝您好好运!24. Thannk yyou (veery mucch)谢谢谢您(非非常感谢谢)。25. Thannks a llot.多谢。26. Thannk yyou forr coominng.谢谢您您的光临临。27. Thannk yyou forr sttayiing in ourr hootell.感谢谢您在我我们饭店店下榻。28. Im verry ggrattefuul tto yyou.非常感感谢您。29. Itss veery kinnd oof yyou.谢谢,您您真客气气。30. You aree (mmostt) wwelccomee.不用谢谢,不用用客气。31. Not at alll.不用用谢。32. Dont mmenttionn itt.不用谢谢。33. My ppleaasurre.(or witth ppleaasurre)很高兴兴能为您您服务。34. Gladd too bee off seerviice.很高兴兴为您服服务。35. At yyourr seerviice.乐意为为您效劳劳。36. Im sorrry.很抱歉歉。37. Excuuse me.对不起起。38. Im terrribbly sorrry. Itts mmy ffaullt.非常抱抱歉,那那是我的的过错。39. Im awffullly ssorrry ffor my carreleessnnesss.对于于我的粗粗心大意意我非常常抱歉。40. Sorrry tto hhavee keept youu waaitiing.对不起起,让您您久等了了。41. Sorrry tto iinteerruupt youu.对不起起,打扰扰了。42. Thatts aall rigght.这没什什么。43. It ddoessnt mmattter.没关系系。44. Neveer mmindd.不要紧紧,没关关系。45. Lets fforgget it.算了吧吧!46. Whatt caan II doo foor yyou?我能为为您干点点什么?47. Can I heelp youu?我能为为您干点点什么?48. Is ttherre aanytthinng II caan ddo ffor youu?有什什么能为为您效劳劳的吗?49. Justt a mommentt, ppleaase.请稍等等一下。50. Dont wworrry aabouut iit别担心心。51. I beeg yyourr paardoon?(or Parrdonn?)对不起起,请再再说一遍遍好吗?52. Who is speeakiing, plleasse?请问您您是谁?(电话话用语)53. Illl swwitcch yyou to Rooom 111200.我马上上给您接接3011房间。54. Whatt nuumbeer aare youu caalliing?请问对对方什么么电话号号码。55. Who wouuld youu liike to tallk tto?请问受受话人姓姓名?56. Coulld yyou holld tthe linne, pleeasee?请(拿拿着话筒筒)稍等等一会好好吗?57. Heree arre ccomee leetteers forr yoou.这这是您的的信。58. Whatt a pitty!多可惜惜!59. Im sorrry to heaar tthatt!听到这这事我很很难过。60. We aare alll soorryy too heear of youur iillnnesss.听说说您病了了都很担担心。61. Willl, NNow tryy noot tto gget tooo uppsett abboutt itt.好啦啦,不要要为这事事太烦恼恼了。62. I wiish youu goood heaalthh.祝您您健康。63. Let me wissh yyou eveery succcesss.祝祝您一切切顺利!64. Happpy NNew Yeaar!新年快快乐!65. Merrry CChriistmmas!圣诞节节快乐!66. Happpy bbirtthdaay tto yyou!祝您生生日快乐乐!67. Conggrattulaatioons!祝贺您您!(恭恭喜)68. My hhearrty conngraatullatiionss!衷心祝祝贺您!69. As yyou wissh(oor llikee)随您的的便。70. Certtainnly.当然可可以。71. Of ccourrse.当然可可以。72. Go aaheaad aand do whaat yyou likke干吧,你你喜欢干干什么就就干什么么。73. Im sorrry, thhats nnot allloweed.对对不起,这这是不允允许的。74. No, Im afrraidd noot.不,恐恐怕不行行。75. Out of thee quuesttionn, IIm afrraidd.恐怕不不可能。76. Walkk sttraiightt ahheadd.一直往往前走。77. Turnn leeft(rigght).往左(右右)转。78. Go uupsttairrs(ddownnstaairss).上上(下)楼楼。79. Takee thhe lliftt too thhe tthirrd fflooor.乘乘电梯到到三楼。80. The liffts aree inn thhe llobbby nnearr thhe mmainn enntraancee.电梯梯间在大大厅靠大大门外。81. The belllmaan wwilll shhow youu thhe wway to thee baanquuet halll.大大堂服务务员将领领您去宴宴会厅。82. Therre iis aa waashrroomm att thhe eend of thee coorriidorr.洗手手间在走走廊尽头头。83. The posst aand cabble serrvicce iis ooppoositte tthe barr.邮电电所在酒酒吧对面面。84. The bannk iis nnextt too thhe sshopp.银行行在小卖卖部隔壁壁。85. You cann geet yyourr mooneyy chhangged at thee caashiiers ddeskk.你可可以收银银外兑换换钱。86. How mucch wwoulld yyou likke tto cchannge?你要兑兑换多少少呢?87. The rattes of excchannge aree onn thhe bboarrd ttherre.兑兑换率写写在那这这的黑板板上。88. Therre aare somme llocaal pprodductts oon ssalee heere.这里出出售一些些地方产产品。89. Itss soold by weiightt(yaard, meeterr)这个按按重量(码码,米)计计价出售售。90. Sorrry, its ssoldd ouut.对对不起,卖卖完了。91. How do youu liike thiis?您看这这个怎么么样?92. Whatt abboutt thhat onee?你看那那个好吗吗?93. Heree iss yoour chaangee.这是找找您的钱钱。94. Heree iss yoour recceippt.这是你你的收据据。95. An llettter forr abbroaad iis RRMB. 4.5.寄寄往国外外的航空空信需44.5元元。96. The traavell aggenccy iin tthe hottel takkes alll kiindss off boookiing.饭店的的旅行社社代办各各种预订订票。97. Whatt kiind of rooom wwoulld yyou
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