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Unit4 Free Time Objectives and Requirements 目标与要求 Language 语言: May I have a peach ? Yes, please . May I have a balloon ? No, you may not . Sorry .Vocabulary 词汇: go to the zoo buy an ice cream call my friend borrow a book watch TV listen to a song Materials 教学资源1、准备本课时的金太阳。2、准备本课时的单词卡片。教学过程:一 复习1. 课前小测 2.师生问候 T:Hello ! Ss : Hi !T:What day is it today ? Ss : Its .新课导入:(拿着go to school卡片)T: Look at this picture . Where are they going ? Ss: 再指着go to the zoo 问。Where are they going ? Ss : OK ,we are going to learn the new lesson Unit 4 . 领读课题两次 :Free Time二学习 Vacabularybuy an ice creamT : Now, May I buy an ice cream ? Ss : No .Sorry .call my friendT : Now, May I call my friend ? Ss : No .Sorry .borrow a bookT : May I borrow a book? S1 : Sure , here you are .watch TVT : Now, May I watch TV ? Ss : No .you may not . Sorry .listen to a songT : Now, May I watch TV ? Ss : Yea , you may .1、教师领读一次,学生跟读两次。2、听录音,跟读。3、四人小组练读4、巩固练习 听音标号 (用Vacabulary的单词)5、Writing book P14三、学习Target导入Does Jenny like a peach ?1、听录音。2、四人小组练读。3、分角色(男女)读。4、巩固练习 课本Activity 1 P295.Writing book P15四、Practice 11、听录音,圈出正确的答案。2核对答案。五、小结六、作业七、板书 go to the zoo buy an ice cream call my friend borrow a book watch TV listen to a song May I have a peach ? Yes, please . May I have a balloon ? No, you may not . Sorry .
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