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Lesson 1Hi, Chen Ling.Hi, Uncle. Wow, a new bike!Its a present for you.For me? Oh, thank you. I like this bike.Look, Uncle. I can ride a bike.Can you swim? Yes, I can.Can you ride a bike? No, I cant.Lesson 2Can you swim, Miss Bird? No, I cant, but I can fly.Can you ride a bike? No, I cant, but I can lay eggs.Can you fly, Mr. Monkey? No, I cant, but I can ride a bike.Whats wrong with the picture?Lesson 3Hi, Chen Ling.Hi, Wang Tao.Tomorrow is my birthday.Come to my party, please.Lets buy a present for Sally.What about a doll?Good idea.Lesson 4Happy birthday, Sally! This is a present for you.Oh, thank you.Open the present, Sally.Wow, a beautiful doll!Mom, lets buy a present for Sally. Good idea!.,Sally. This is a present for you.Its a story book! .,Chen Ling.Lesson 5I like grapes. Theyre sweet.I dont like grapes. Theyre not sweet.Lesson 6What do you like?I like noodles.I dont like noodles. I like hot dogs.I dont like hot dogs. I like cakes.Do you like hamburgers?Yes, we do.Sure.Four hamburgers, please.I like cakes. I dont like cakes.Lesson 7Touch your head/eyes/nose/face/ears/mouth/neck.Draw a mouth on the face.Lesson 8This is your art teacher.Good morning.Good morning.Now draw a face and two eyes.Then draw a nose and a mouth.Then draw two ears.Then Whats next?Whats that?Whats that?A black cat.Wheres the cat?Wheres the cat?In the hat.Lesson 9How many legs can you see? I can see legs.Clap your hands.Stamp your feet.Wave your arms.Bend your knees.Lesson 10Look, zebras! How many legs can you see, Ben?I can see eight legs.How many zebras are there?There are four.No, there are two.How many legs can you see?How many zebras are there?I can see eight legs.There are two zebras.I can see ten arms.There are five monkeys.I can see five hands.There are five children.I can see eight feet.There are four children.Lesson 11 S: Students L: Uncle Li W: Wang Tao C: Chen LingThe students are visiting a farm.S: Good afternoon, Uncle Li.L: Good afternoon, boys and girls.W: How many cows are there on the farm.L: There are eleven.C: How many horses are there on the farm?L: There are four.C: How many sheep are there on the farm?L: There are twelve.Lesson 12Hi, Im a cow. I can give you milk.Hi, Im a sheep. I can give you wool.Hi, Im a duck. I can give you eggs.Hi, Im a hen. I can give you eggs, too.They can give us milk. Are they cows? Yes.They can give us wool. Are they sheep? Yes.Lesson 13Put on your shoes.Put on your hat.Take off your socks.Take off your sweater.Hi, Sally. Your sweater is beautiful. Thank you.I like your skirt, Chen Ling. Thank you.Lesson 14We must all wear T-shirts.Its too small.Its too large.This T-shirt is too large.What size do you wear?Size S.This T-shirt is too small.What size do you wear?Size L.Lesson 15Whose jacket is this?Its Hu Pings.Whose sweater is this?Its Wang Taos.Catch!Thank you, Mr. Wang.Whos the girl wearing blue?Shes my little sister Sue.Whats she doing at the zoo?She is looking for her shoe.Lesson 16Mom, I like this red sweater.What size?Size S.Its too small.Look, Size M. And I like the yellow color.Ok. Lets buy this one.Who is wearing green today?Im wearing green today.Lesson 17It is Childrens Day. Many children are in the park.What are they doing?Linda is singing.Three girls are dancing.Bill is drawing.Kate is playing on the swing.Ben is playing on the slide.Lesson 18It is Childrens Day.Many children are in the park.Some are boating on the lake.Some are playing on the slide.Sally is playing on the swimming.Wang Tao and Chen Ling are playing on the seesaw.
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