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Unit 4 关系代名词关系代名词=连接词+代名词I have a friend. The friend lives in Paris. 我有位朋友,这个朋友住在巴黎。I have a friend and he lives in Paris .用 and 连接 I have a friend who lives in Paris. Who 不是谁的意思,是关系代名词。住在巴黎的朋友 a friend who lives in Paris. who lives in Paris补充说明a friend. 这是形容词子句。*语顺为先行词关系代名词 但也提有下例句子例如:1. There was an old man in the apartment who was very rich. 也可以这样说 There was an old rich man in the apartment.2. I met two girls, one of whom is my cousin.One of them is my cousin,单独出现时对的。如果前面有 I met two girls, one of whom is my cousin. 用whom 是对的。这句话也可以是:I met two girls and one of them is my cousin.(介词后面用受格,who 是主格,whom 才是受格)关系代名词的种类 格先行词主格+V所有格+N受格+S+V+(介词)人whowhoseWhom / who事,物,动物whichwhosewhich人,事物,动物thatwhosethat*格的用法(1) 主格动词: the man who talked to me. 该男子和我说话 who 主词 talked 动词(2) 所有格名词: the man whose car was stolen. 该男子的车被偷了(3) 受格主词动词: the man who(m) I met. 我所会见的人主格的关系代名词(1). 主格who先行词为人主格关系代名词 Who动词 *先行词紧跟代名词*关系代名词引导的是形容词子句,就是把名词补充说明的更加清楚例如1. The man is my father. The man wears sunglasses. ( 合并一起 the man 重复要去掉用关系代名词来替换)The man who wears sunglasses is my father. (合并句)句中:who wears sunglasses 是形容词子句用来修饰名词man. *Who 这里是子句中的主词,也是关系代名词。不可以省略例如2. I dont like people. They get out of temper easily. I dont like people who get out of temper easily. (2).主格 Which先行词为事物;动物主格关代Which 动词例:1. I live in the house. The house stands on the hill. I live in the house which stands on the hill.2. English is a language. It is spoken all over the world. English is a language which is spoken all over the world. Japanese is a language which is spoken in Japan. (3).主格That先行词为(人.事物.动物)主格关代名词that动词例1.帮忙医生照顾病人的人称为护士。 Patient 名词是病人,动词是有耐心。 帮医生照顾病人的是形容词字句。 Be Patient. 要有耐心。 Be a good patient. 当个好病人。People (who / that) help doctors and look after patients are called nurses. 形容词子句修饰名词People例如2. 我喜欢这大楼幢被吴先生设计出来的大楼。(先行词为事物的时候主格关代用which和that 都对 )I like the building which / that was designed by Mr.Wu. *主格关代其后所接的动词须与先行词一致*例:Tom is one of the boys who are fond of sports. Who的先行词是boys, 所以是areI know a child who is good at surfing. Adults dont like children who tell lies. *children 是复数,所以tell 不加s*that 的不同用法*(1)指示代名词 (那个的意思)。The weather in Kaohsiung is hotter than that in Taipei. (2)指示形容词。Look at that dog. *that 不是代名词,而是指示形容词在名词的前面。(3)关系代名词。The boy that is playing the guitar is Jimmy. (that 又是主词又是连接词)(4)连接词。 I think that honesty is the best policy. (that没有课代替的名词,所以只是连接词)所有格的关系代名词所有格whose先行词为(人;事物;动物)所有格关代whose 名词例:1. I know a girl.Her father is journalist. (her是所有格)I know a girl whose father is a journalist.I know a boy whose mother is a English teacher.2. Look at the house. Its roof was damaged.Look at the house whose roof was damaged. (whose roof 是主词,这个主词里面还包含所有格)受格的关代名词 (1) 受格whom 先行词(人)受格关代whom 主词动词介词 *口语中:受格关代whom 也可以用who代替*1. The man is a teacher.She married him. (him是受词用受格whom来替换)The man whom/who she married is a teacher. 2. The woman has just left the office.You want to see her. The woman whom/who you want to see has just left the office. (2) 受格 which 先行词为(事物,动物)受格关代whichSV介词1. Here is a magazine. I borrowed it from Miss. Wang. Here is a magazine which I borrowed from Miss Wang.2. Remember the advice. I gave you the advice. Remember the advice which I gave you. l Advice 是不可数名词:A piece of advice 一个忠告; Two pieces of a advice 二个忠告(3 ) 受格that 先行词为(人;事物;动物)受格关代that SV 介词1. The little girl is very cute. My dad is talking to her. The little girl who/ whom / that my dad is talking to is very cute.2. 我们午餐吃的三明治不好吃。三明治 (主词) 我们午餐吃的 形容词The sandwiches that we ate for lunch were not delicious. *特别注意的关系代名词*(1) 受格的关系代名词可以省略例如: 足球是我最喜欢的运动。Which 【我最喜欢的】形容词Soccer is the sport which/that I like the best.受词关代which/that可省略 the best 是well副词的最高级,副词的最高级the可以省略。(3) 介词受格关系代名词 O+SV介词, 后面的介词可以拿到受格关代的前面1. The woman (whom/that) you are speaking of is our principal.The woman of whom you are speaking is our principal. (把介词of 拿到前面来)把介词of拿到前面来 of后面的代名词一定要用受格受格关代该用什么就用什么,并且of不可代替,不可省略、介词后面一定要有受格2. The train which/that I am waiting for is now half an hour late. which/that 可以省略受格关代所引导的形容词字句后面有介系词的时候,我们可以把介系词拿到受格关代的前面。把介词for 拿到前面来,1.该用什么就用什么,2.不可代替,3.不可省略,介系词拿到受格关代的前面,介词后面一定要有受格, 先行词为人的时候受格关代用whom, 先行词为物的时候先行词为which,绝不可用that 来代替。The train for which I am waiting now half an hour late. 不能用that 注意介词放在关系代名词前,关代不可用that ,也不可省略。关系代名词只用that 1.先行词前有最高级时只能用that 今天是我们经历过的最寒冷的一天。Today is the coldest day that we have ever experienced. (经历: 现在完成式)2.先行词前有序数时只能用that 肯尼是首位冲出教室的男孩。Kenny was the first boy that rushed out of the classroom. (rush out of冲出)He st
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