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The music of the United States reflects the countrys multi-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. After Japan, the United States has the worlds second largest music market with a total retail value of 3,635.2 million dollars in 2010 and its music is heard around the world. Since the beginning of the 20th century, some forms of American popular music have gained a near global audience美国音乐反映了该国的多种族人口通过多种多样的样式。该国最国际知名流派之间是嘻哈、蓝调、国家、节奏蓝调、爵士乐、理发店、流行、技术和摇滚乐。仅次于日本,美国已与零售业总销货值 36 亿 3520 万美元的世界第二大音乐市场在 2010年1和它的音乐响彻世界各地。20 世纪以来,一些美国流行音乐的形式获得了近全球观众。 There are some usual music styles in american ,i will introduce some music styles for you. First Country music is primarily a fusion of African American blues and spirituals with Appalachian folk music, adapted for pop audiences and popularized beginning in the 1920s. The origins of country are in rural Southern folk music, which was primarily Irish and British, with African and continental European musics.60 Anglo-Celtic tunes, dance music, and balladry were the earliest predecessors of modern country, then known as hillbilly music.Early hillbilly also borrowed elements of the blues and drew upon more aspects of 19th-century pop songs as hillbilly music evolved into a commercial genre eventually known as country and western and then simply country.61乡村音乐是主要融合的非洲裔美国布鲁斯和阿巴拉契亚的民间音乐、 灵歌改编为流行的观众和推广在上世纪 20 年代初。在农村南部民间音乐,主要是爱尔兰和英国,与非洲和非洲大陆的欧洲音乐起源的国家。英美资源集团凯尔特曲调,现代化的国家,当时称为乡下人音乐的最早祖先是舞蹈音乐和曲艺。早期乡下人也借来的蓝调的元素和借鉴更多方面的 19 世纪作为乡下人音乐流行歌曲演变成一个商业类型的最终称为西部乡村Country music is about tradition, yet its simple form lends itself to endless variations on similar themes. Like blues - the two genres often shared themes, melodies and songs - country is a simple music at its core. Most of its songs are built around three chords and a plain melody, but these forms are so basic, they allow for many different styles, from the gritty sounds of honky tonk to the jazzy improvisations of Western Swing. Country music grew out of American Southern folk music, both Appalachian and blues, and old-time country was simple and folky, with just guitars and fiddles. As the genre progressed, old time music evolved into the rhythmic guitar-and-fiddle driven traditional country that became the foundation of modern country music, from honky tonk and Western Swing to the pop-oriented Countrypolitan and rock-inflected Bakersfield Sound.乡村音乐(Country music)是一种当代的流行音乐,起源于美国南部与阿帕拉契山区。乡村音乐的根源可追溯至1920年代,融合了传统民谣音乐、凯尔特音乐、福音音乐及古时音乐。乡村音乐的曲调,一般都很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。多为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。特点中的特点然而,与音乐本身同样重要的是音乐所包含的内容,而在这一点上,乡村音乐与流行乐、摇滚、说唱乐以及其他流派非常不一样。乡村音乐一般有八大主题:一、爱情;二、失恋;三、牛仔幽默;四、找乐;五、乡村生活方式;六、地区的骄傲;七、家庭;八、上帝与国家。前两个主题绝不是乡村音乐所独有的,但是后六大主题则把乡村音乐与其他的美国流行音乐流派区分开来。简而言之,乡村的人们有他们自己的幽默感;喜欢牛仔风格的疯玩;以一种与城市人很不同的方式生活;以自己所在的乡镇、州、地区为荣;极为重视家庭;不羞于表达宗教情感与爱国情感。这些主题使乡村音乐有别于诸如小甜甜与N-Sync的音乐。乡村音乐所包含的内容往往最吸引美国南部与西部乡村的白人。作为群体,乡村音乐的听众往往是农民和蓝领,他们通常比美国平均水平穷点儿,在政治与社会问题上也更保守一点。Country 乡村 Alt-Country 另类乡村音乐 Americana 美式乡村 Bluegrass 兰草音乐 Country-Folk 乡村-民谣 Country-Pop 乡村流行 Cowboy 牛仔 Honky Tonk 小酒馆乡村乐 Western Swing 西部摇摆 Taylor Swift She began performing locally around her town and county at the age of ten, and at age 11 sang the national anthem before a Philadelphia 76ers game. By the time she was 12, she had picked up the guitar and began practicing four hours each day, until her fingers started to bleed泰勒斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),美国乡村音乐女创作歌手,会用木吉他、钢琴演奏。她在2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约。曾获得美国乡村音乐协会奖年度最佳专辑奖、格莱美年度专辑奖等荣誉。Second rock&rollRock & Roll is often used as a generic term, but its sound is rarely predictable. From the outset, when the early rockers merged country and blues, rock has been defined by its energy, rebellion and catchy hooks, but as the genre aged, it began to shed those very characteristics, placing equal emphasis on craftmanship and pushing the boundaries of the music. As a result, everything from Chuck Berrys pounding, three-chord rockers and the sweet harmonies of the Beatles to the jarring, atonal white noise of Sonic Youth has been categorized as rock. Thats accurate - rock & roll had a specific sound and image for only a handful of years. For most of its life, rock has been fragmented, spinning off new styles and variations every few years, from Brill Building Pop and heavy metal to dance-pop and grunge. And thats only natural for a genre that began its life as a fusion of styles.a genre of popular music that entered the mainstream in the 1960s. It has its roots in 1940s and 1950s rock and roll, rhythm and blues, country music and also drew on folk music, jazz and classical music摇滚中发展出来的国家、 蓝调、 和 R & B.岩石的确切起源和早期影响已经过激烈的辩论,和很多奖学金的主题。虽然正视在蓝军的传统,岩了来自非洲裔加勒比和拉丁美洲音乐技术的元素。101岩石是城市的风格,在各种不同人群导致的非裔美国混合物中从蓝军和国家到波尔卡和zydeco的拉丁美洲和欧洲流派地区形成。102摇滚首次进入流行音乐通过调用rockabilly,其中融合新生声音与乡村音乐元素的样式。过去曾有黑执行摇滚有限的主流成功,但它是白色执行者猫王首先呼吁主流观众的黑色风格的音乐,成为历史上最畅销的音乐家之一,在世界各地给观众带来的摇滚。103Rock and roll developed out of country, blues, and R&B. Rocks exact origins and early influences ha
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